Extension of desktop solution to networked lab environments

Extension of desktop solution to networked lab environments


In situations where there is a server connected through a LAN network with individual clients, there should a mechanism where

  • Content can be hosted on the server and distributed to the clients. 
  • Telemetry can be synced from the clients to the server, and eventually synched back online from the server. 


  • Only the server machine will be provided with capabilities of import/export content and telemetry. Individual client machines purely query the server to show content to users. This is because bulk of the users (teachers/students) in a school environment are not tech savvy - and it is preferable not to provide local content management at every client level, when there is a centralised mechanism of handling this. 
  • If a user wants to convert a client machine into a server machine, they will uninstall the client app and install the server version of the app. 
  • The server machine can be Linux/Windows, and similarly the client machines can be on Windows/Linux. 
  • This kind of a setup is connected via LAN, and may have intermittent access to the internet. 


  • Provide a client and server version of the desktop app.
  • The client app should have bare minimum content playing capabilities. It should sync all telemetry, logs and support tickets to the server. 
  • The server version only should have content management and export/import telemetry capabilities. 
  • The amount of config to be done to setup this environment should be minimal - like maybe a page to view the IP address and port the server is hosted on (in the server app), and a page to configure which IP to point to in the client apps. 

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