Desktop app updates v2

Desktop app updates v2


  • Detect an app update is needed when
    • There is a new version hosted on the portal and the user is on an older version of the app, but is connected to the internet
    • The user tries to import a piece of content that is incompatible with the current version of the app 
  • If the user is online,
    • they are shown a banner an app update is available
    • they can install it from within the app with the click of a button
  • If the user is offline, 
    • they can see a QR code in the desktop app that they can scan on their mobile phone which takes them to the latest version on the portal
    • they can see a shortened URL they can type into their mobile phone or another computer, where they can download the latest version 
  • Recovery mechanisms to be handled if installing the new version of the app fails/crashes to let the user go back to using the old version. 

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