Courses Functionality :: Re-design (Dec 2022)

Courses Functionality :: Re-design (Dec 2022)

Using this page to consolidate various functional asks around the Courses functionality from SB adopters. This document is meant to capture functional requirements across the board, and is not segregated by Building Block. Individual BBs can create their own design documents based on the approaches that are finalised for these needs.



Addition of Custom Roles and Permissions in Sunbird (Workspace, SB Ed):


A. Consumption Side

  1. Restrict Access to a Set of Courses based on Role/ Department of User : Eg users of the Marketing Department will only see a certain set of courses/ certain course categories; Finance & Leadership will see different ones

  2. Control on Actions that can be done on a course based on Role in context of a course (For instance as a Student of a course, I can enrol, consume content, add comments ; As a Teacher/ Mentor - I can access Student consumption reports, Assign the course to specific students, View Student Answer sheets , As a Mentor i can do everything a teacher can do but for my Mentees

  3. Ability to configure workflows based on Access roles - Who can enrol without Approval, Who needs approval for enrolment

B. Reporting Side
Reporting Side access roles can be a function of global Roles like Super Admin/ Learning Manager OR be a function of a Cohort/ Department ..

As a Super Admin I should be able to access Reports of Users across the system including access to PII information request
As a Department Manager I should be able to access reports of users in my department
As a People Manager/ Mentor I should be able to access Completion Reports of my direct & indirect reportees

C. Creation Side
Ability to define various consumption side roles like Creator, Reviewer, Publisher etc on the basis of Subject matter expertise/ Content Categories/ Departments

For Instance
Creator 1 should only be allowed to create content under the Categories Finance, Accounting
Creator 2 should only be allowed to create content under the Categories Sales Skills
Reviewer 1 can review content of Finance & Sales skills


Addition of Prerequisites for course content:

A feature to add prerequisites for the course content in sunbird ED.
We are using sunbird ED for multiple use cases. In one of our use-case, we want students to complete the prerequisites before they jump into the next content. For example, consider we have a mathematics course where we have units like addition, subtraction, division, square root, etc. Here we want students to complete subtraction and division before they jump to the square root unit. In this case, we can add completion prerequisites

Prerequisites can be of multiple types, below are the possible

  • Content gets unlocked when pre-requisite content is viewed

  • Content gets unlocked when a pre-requisite assessment is passed (with min. score requirement)

  • Content gets unlocked x days after enrolling in the course

  • Content gets unlocked x days after completing a pre-requisite content

  • Content gets unlocked on a specific date


  • Add a prerequisites JSON type field against the course.

    In this JSON add the prerequisites conditions which are required to access the content of the course
    Example JSON for prerequisites can be -

{ "prerequisite": [ “do_1312435345”: { “condition”: “complete_content”, “dependantContentIds”: [ “do_1312435334”, “do_2322456676” ] }, “do_1312435346”: { “condition”: “assessment_pass”, “dependantContentIds”: [ “do_1312435334” ] } ] }
  • On the course detail page get prerequisites and apply them to the lesson display. If prerequisite conditions are not completed content will display locked.

  • On the course playlist, consider prerequisites to show the next content


Dependencies on Batch Level capabilities, and changes required:

  • Re-instate Open batches?


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