Reuse of learning assets

Reuse of learning assets

This page details the functionality of reusing learning assets. Learning assets can be reused at many levels and in many ways.


Reuse of Resources

Resources such as images, audios, which are not directly consumable, are basic reusable assets. These are reusable assets available for use in any consumable learning assets such as a content, question, action, collection. System provides API to search these resources. Various editors provide UI to search and add the resources to learning assets.

Reuse of Questions (to be implemented)

A question can be reused as is, in different question sets. System provides API to search for questions. Question Set Editor provides UI to search and add questions to a question set.

A question can also be copied and modified and added to a question set. This can be done through Question Set editor.

Note: Only the questions that are already published into consumption repo are available for reuse. However, while reuse, they will refer to corresponding questions in the sourcing repo.

Reuse of Contents, Question Sets, Collections

A content, question set or a collection can be reused as is in different collections. System provides API to search them.

Adding to a collection (to be implemented)

Collection Editor provides UI to search and add contents, question sets and collections to a collection.

Copy learning assets (to be implemented)

Contents, Question Sets and Collections can also be reused by copying (and optionally modifying them). Currently this feature is available in the consumption portal. It should be removed from there and enabled in a sourcing project (maintenance, private and public sourcing projects).

  1. The sourcing project shows “Copy from existing” option next to “Create” option

  2. User clicks on “Copy from existing”

  3. A screen that shows existing content (similar to ‘content reuse’ screen) is opened

  4. User searches for relevant content using filter options

  5. User sees the list of content and previews one or more content

  6. There is a “Copy” option.

  7. User can select one or more content and click “Copy”.

  8. Copy of the selected contents are created. The copy operation is exactly same as that exists today.

  9. Newly created contents are added to the project and shown in the contents table on the project page.


Only the contents, question sets and collections that are already published into consumption repo are available for reuse by creators in the sourcing org. However, while reuse, they will refer to corresponding learning assets in the sourcing repo.

A learning asset created by a contributor is reusable by that contributor if the learning assets is either approved or rejected by a sourcing org reviewer.

Shallow copy of a Collection

A collection can also be reused (adopted) by creating a shallow copy of the collection. When a shallow copy is created, the hierarchy of the original collection is not modifiable in the shallow copy. Only the metadata such as name, description, icon etc. of the shallow copy is modifiable. Any change to the hierarchy of the original collection automatically reflects in the shallow copy.

Currently this is enabled only through API. The shallow copy is created and published through a backend script. Hence this can happen on the consumption repo directly.

This needs to be enabled through front-end in the sourcing portal (to be implemented).