coKreat - Data Cloud Agnostic migration scripts
Program-service :
In previous versions, when we were saving the project/program guidelines URL in the program table, it was getting stored with the blob URL.
We want to make these guideline URLs cloud agnostic. The following query will do the task of replacement the same.
Program table data migration Query:
UPDATE program SET
guidelines_url = REPLACE (
UPDATE program SET guidelines_url = REPLACE ( guidelines_url, '', '/assets/public/');
Verification steps:
Please use below query get then count how many rows having blob path in guidelines URL
Before migration, all the guidelines URLs will have data like below
Please use below query get, then count how many rows having in /assets/public/
guidelines URL. This count should be same as before mibration count.
After migration, all the guidelines URLs will have data like below
Please use the below steps for Knowlg & inQuiry CSP changes deploying in coKreat.
Release - 5.2.0 | Sunbird Knowlg
inQuiry - Release v5.2.0 | Sunbird inQuiry