Observation without rubrics and Survey Reviewer flow Implementation for Collection Editor library

As per the current reviewer flow, the reviewer is not able to see the question preview of Observation without rubric and survey question set as there is no player for these types of question sets.


As a solution, we are putting a View button in the review flow which will take the reviewer to the question editor page in read-only mode. Story for ref(https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/browse/SB-28057 )


Since this flow is specific to Observation and survey, we use the renderTaxonomy key to distinguish it from other flows. For observation without rubrics and surveys, the value will be false and true for observation with rubric.

Changes done

  • Editor-component - Code changes to redirect the reviewer to the question editor in read-only mode.

  • Options-component, question-options-component - conde changes to make the hint, tip, and score fields to read-only mode for the reviewer

  • question-component - Single select component changes to sui component to keep the UI in sync. All fields are enabled with read-only mode for the reviewer.

  • quml-player, quml-player-pager - enabled View button(only for observation and survey) instead of quml-player . We disabled the quml-player since observation and survey are not enabled for the player.

  • slider-component - Enabled info icon.