Consent from contributors to share their PII information

This page details the functionality to enable contributors to provide their consent to share their PII information (registered mobile or email) with sourcing organizations.


Currently the information of email or mobile given by contributors when they register on the system is PII and hence cannot be shared with anyone (including sourcing organization).

This is to enable this by providing an option for contributors to provide explicit consent on sharing their registered email/mobile information with sourcing organization, and the sourcing org admin to access the information of the contributors who have provided the consent.

This will enable sourcing organizations to access contributor information to interact with them easily.

Consent during enrollment

The steps for a contributor to enroll as a contributor are:

  1. Register on to the system (Signup)

  2. Access contribution portal and sign-in

  3. First time when a user logs into the contribution portal, user is shown an enrollment form. The forms asks if the user is an individual or organization.

  4. In case of organization, user can provide the details of his/her organization (name, description, website)

As part of this enrollment flow, the enrollment dialog will have a checkbox and a message.

The message would read like “Would you like to share your registered email/mobile with sourcing organizations? If yes, please click the below checkbox (this is optional)?” and a checkbox with a message like

“I provide consent to share my registered email or mobile with sourcing organizations for them to contact me for…” (TBD)

If user provides the consent by selecting the check box and enrolling, the consent information is stored in the system.

Consent after enrollment

There should be an option for the user to provide the consent anytime even after the enrollment is done. This is to ensure the users are not blocked if for some reason they have not provided it during the enrollment.

Once the contributor logs into the system, in the contributors page, under the user button (on the top right). Clicking this will an option “Provide consent”. Clicking this option will popup a consent window.

This will have same consent related messages and check box as in the enrollment form.

In case user has already provided consent, the checkbox will be selected and disabled. Only close button is shown.

In case user has not provided consent yet, the checkbox can be selected by user and there are a “Provide consent” and “Cancel” buttons. “Provide consent” button is enabled only when the checkbox is selected. User can select the checkbox and click “Provide consent”.

The user information is updated with consent information.

Sourcing Org accessing contributor information

When a sourcing org administrator logs into the system and goes to “Organization Reports” tab, there is a report named “Contributor Details” with download option. Clicking the download option downloads “Contributor Details” report as a csv. Here is the template csv.

The csv will have one row for each contributor who has nominated to at least one project of the sourcing organization. “Registered email/mobile” will be filled with registered email or mobile for the contributors who have provided consent. It will be blank for the rest.

Note: If contributor is an organization, the registered email/mobile of the admin user of the contrib org who enrolled as contributor org will only be shared. The details of the contrib org users (creators or reviewers) is not shared with sourcing org admin.