[Design]: Content usage metrics in Sourcing platform
This wiki explains how to enable usage details of the assets/contents contributed and published via the sourcing platform.
Background & Problem statement
Currently, the Sourcing platform does not know the usage details of the assets/contents published for consumption. Due to this, the contributor doesn't have visibility of how many assets that were contributed are being used and how much they are used.
Key Design Problems:
Enable usage details of the assets/contents published from sourcing to consumption.
Note: Currently, Sourcing(VidyaDaan) and Consumption(DIKSHA) we are having two different do_ids for the same content.
Proposed Design:
Approach 1: Enhance existing Update Content Rating data product:
The existing Update Content Rating data product gets the content consumption metrics and writes them to Elastic Search(ES). It can be enhanced to filter out VidyaDaan specific(Sourcing) contents and make a new call to write the VidyaDaan contents to the dock ES.
Approach 2: Using the transaction events & processing that transaction event
Currently, transaction event is generated as part of neo4j transaction gets pushed into
kafka topic by logstash.We can write a Flink job at the consumption layer which will
Kafka topic of consumption layer.Search the object from the consumption layer and find the origin id
if the origin id exists in the sourcing database, the metric specific data will be updated in the sourcing database object.