Issue Certificate To State Teachers/ All Users
Issue Certificate To State Teachers/ All Users
Problem Statement :
Certificate issuer should be able to choose whether the certificates are issued to only state teachers or all users.
SB-16099Getting issue details...
Solution Approach :
Solution 1 : While adding a certificate template to a course-batch, we can add a new sub-section as "user" inside the criteria section, inside user we can specify a field as "type". This would specify whether the certificate is applicable only for state teachers or all users.The possible values for type field can be STATE and ALL.Depending on the value of type field of a certificate template,Certificate issuer will be able to issue the certificate to only state teachers or all the users.
Request : (Add Certificate Template)
"criteria": {
"enrollment": {
"status": 2
"signatoryList":[{ }],
Solution 2 :In the issue certificate request body, new field "type" can be added.The possible values for this field can be "STATE" and "ALL". Depending on the value of type, certificate issuer will issue the certificate to the correct set of users(either state teachers or all users)
Request : (Issue Certificate )