Flink jobs for certificates generation and processing
Flink jobs for certificates generation and processing
This wiki details the design approach on issuing/generating certificates via flink job.
The current certificate-generator samza job and cert-service(generateCertificate) API is refactored as flink jobs. Below diagram depicts the flow.
Changes in cert-processor
Refactoring cert-processor module from java to scala.
Using LRU cache implementation to cache cert-templates in-memory.
Instead of downloading the cert-templates file, using file inout stream to read the data and store in-memory.
Events Structure
Issue certificate event
"actor": {
"id": "Course Certificate Pre Processor",
"type": "System"
"eid": "BE_JOB_REQUEST",
"edata": {
"action": "issue-certificate",
"iteration": 1,
"batchId": "batchid",
"userIds": ["List of user ids"],
"courseID": "courseId",
"resIssue": true/false
"ets": 1564144562948,
"context": {
"pdata": {
"ver": "1.0",
"id": "org.sunbird.platform"
"mid": "LP.1564144562948.0deae013-378e-4d3b-ac16-237e3fc6149a",
"object": {
"id": "batchId_courseId",
"type": "CourseCertificatePostProcessor"
Generate certificate event
"eid": "BE_JOB_REQUEST",
"ets": 1563788371969,
"mid": "LMS.1563788371969.590c5fa0-0ce8-46ed-bf6c-681c0a1fdac8",
"type": "System",
"id": "Certificate Generator"
"ver": "1.0",
"id": "org.sunbird.platform"
"type": "GenerateCertificate",
"id": "874ed8a5-782e-4f6c-8f36-e0288455901e"
"templateId": "cert_template_id",
"svgTemplate": "template-url.svg",
"courseName": "courseName",
"issuedDate": "issuing date in yyyy-MM-dd format",
"data": [
"recipientName": "userName",
"recipientId": "userId"
"name": "certificate name",
"tag": "batchId",
"issuer": // issuer details
"name": "Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training",
"url": "https://gcert.gujarat.gov.in/gcert/"
"orgId": "ORG_001",
"signatoryList": [ // signatoy Details
"name": "CEO Gujarat",
"id": "CEO",
"designation": "CEO",
"image": "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2014/11/09/08/06/signature-523237__340.jpg"
"keys": // If present in root org details
"id": "5768"
"narrative": "course completion certificate"
"basePath": "https://{{domain_name}}/certs",
"related": {
"courseId": "course-id",
"type": "course-completion",
"batchId": "batchId"
"oldId": "old certificate ID" // if re-Issue=true
Needs suggestions on naming conventions of
job name andissue.certificate.request