Event based system
Event based system
problem Statement
Current system is not event driven. And all background jobs are handled by one or more actors , it can have following problems:
- Each background job is calling different actor and doing predefined set of actions. (So it's tightly coupled)
- System state can become inconsistent if asynchronous call fails due to system failure.
- For each job we are passing different set of data (no predefined event structure)
- Difficult to generate the audit logs
Solution Approach
EventPublisher will hold the producer for which the produce calls on event will be made
public interface EventPublisher{ public void publish(Event event); } public class EventPublisherImpl implements EventPublisher{ private Producer producer; private static EventPublisherImpl eventPublisher; public static EventPublisher getInstance(){ if(eventPublisher==null){ instance = initialize(); } return instance; } public void publish(Event event){ producer.produce(event); } public static EventPublisher initialize(){ EventPublisher publisher = new EventPublisherImpl(); //read setting and initialize producer by calling producer factory return publisher; } }
there could be multiple producer with each having it's own processing of events
public interface Producer{ public void produce(Event event); } public class KafkaEventProducer implements Producer { public void produce(Event event){ // push events to kafka topics } } public class ActiveMQEventProducer implements Producer { public void produce(Event event){ // push events as json file to s3 } } public class LMaxEventProducer implements Producer { public void produce(Event event){ // push events in memory } }
public interface IConsumer{ public void consume(); } public class ConsumerImpl implements IConsumer{ public IConsumer consumer = ConsumerFactory.getInstance(); @Override public void consume() { // consume events } } public class ConsumerFactory{ public static IConsumer getInstance(){ return new ConsumerImpl(); }