Supporting startsWith search for learning platform
- SB-10552Getting issue details... STATUS
As part of ticket SB-8173 - user search result is being enhanced, and following new filters will get added:
User Type/ Medium/ Class/ Subject
District/ Block/ School/ Role
This will require us to enhance the searching capability in learning platform to support - startsWith operator, so that locations search can allow auto-complete feature.
Proposed Solution
We will be adding support for operators startsWith and endsWith so that API user can create such filters for searching.
User will have to specify query as follows:
POST /v1/location/search { "filters":{ "type: : "block", "startsWith" : {"name": "KA"} } }
Based on above query, first matching page of records will be returned.
Currently, there seems to be some bug/issue due to which starts_with, or ends_with filter are not working correctly.