ETB 2.0 - Reserve Dial-code API specification

ETB 2.0 - Reserve Dial-code API specification


As per the current design discussion, LP will be providing two APIs for reserving the dialcodes for textbook and releasing a specific number of dialcodes from the textbook respectively.

For storing the reserved dialcodes list against a textbook, there will be a metadata named reservedDialcodes. 

As part of reserve API, asked number of dialcodes will get generated and reservedDialcodes metadata of particular textbook will get updated.

As part of release API, asked number of dialcodes will be release post validating dialcodes used in TOC and reserved dialcodes list.

Reserved Dialcode API:

POST - content/v3/dialcode/reserve/{content_id}

Request Header:

Authorisation: //Authorisation key
Content-Type: application/json'
X-Channel-Id: //Channel for which dialcode are getting generated'

Request Body

    "id": "ekstep.learning.content.dialcode.reserve",
    "ver": "3.0",
    "ts": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ+/-nn.nn",
        "did": "", // device UUID from which API is called
        "key": "", // API key (dynamic)
        "msgid": "" // unique request message id, UUID
    	"dialcode": {
			"count": 10, // The total number of dialcodes to be reserved for the content. It should not more than 250. (count-already_reserved_dialcodes) should be the number of dialcodes that has to be generated and appended to the reservedDialcodes list.
			"publisher": "NCERTPUBLISHER", // Publisher of the dialcodes

Validation Logic:

  • Dialcode will be generated using content Id as batchCode.
  • Content should belong to same channel.
  • Content should be of Type Textbook.
  • Publisher should be validated.
  • Total number of reserved dialcodes request should not be more than 250.
  • The existing reservedDialcode value should be subtracted from the count value - for generating new dialcode and appending to the reservedDialcode list.
  • If the content already have list of reserved dialcodes, the new dialcodes should be appended.
  • If the requested dialcode count is less or equal to the already reserved dialcode list, it should throw client exception with list of already reserved dialcodes list.

Release Dialcode API:

PATCH - content/v3/dialcode/release/{content_id}

Request Header:

Authorisation: //Authorisation key
Content-Type: application/json'

Request Body


Validation Logic:

  • Content should belong to same channel.
  • Content should be of Type Textbook
  • If all the reserved dialcodes are utilised. It will throw exception.
  • If there is not dialcode reserved for the content, it will throw exception.
  • API should release all the the unused dialcodes (not used in any of the children of the textbook)

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