Role based access control (RBAC)

Role based access control (RBAC)

 Problem statement:

                    As of now Sunbird api call is doing user authentication check but not authorization. Any authenticated user can preform any actions except private api call. Now we need to think to add RBAC into sunbird, so that 

all operation can be preform with right set of people.

Proposed solution 1: 

                               We can use Identity based policy: Identity-based IAM (Identity Access Management) policies are attached to an IAM user, group, or role. These policies let you specify what that user, group, or role can do. 

             It will work as follows:

  •  Define Action :  Need to define set of actions that can be perform by single user or groups of users. In Sunbird context Action can be logical name of our api end point.
  •  Define Group :  Need to define Sunbird user in some logical groups. It will be based on users action and permission.
  •  Add Action into Group :    Need to add list of actions into a group , By doing that system will allow particular group to perform set of associated actions.
  •  Add Groups inside roles:  List of groups can be added for a particular role.
  •  Add roles into user :  List of roles will be added inside user profile.

Example :  

"Groups": [{                            
"gid": "groupId",
"name": "name of the group",
"description": "group description",

 "scope": ["org","rootOrg"],
 "Actions": [{
"id": "unique action id",
"name": "createUser",
"description": "logical description of action",
"url": "Api uri"
"id": "unique action id",
"name": "createUser",
"description": "logical description of action",
"url": "Api uri"

Table Details :  

  1.    rbac_ action table :


namestringlogical name of action
descriptionstringdescription of action
urlstringuri for action

2.   rbac_group   

namestringlogical name of group
descriptionstringdescription of group
scopelistwithin organisation or within rootOrg or *

3.   rbac_group_action table


groupIdstringlogical name of group
actionslistlist of action ids

4.       role_group table 

groupIdlistref of group_action
roleIdstringref of role 

ER diagram

How RBAC works in sunbird :  

                Request will be received by sunbird-lms service. Before calling to controller role base access will be check by filter , if caller having access to the resource then request will be transfer to controller else proper error message will be sent to caller. 


RBAC code structure 

        We are planing to implement RBAC as separate micro service , which can run as separate service or can included as jar as well?

        This service will expose following api's

  •  Crud operations on groups (Create group, update group, group action mapping)
  •  Crud operations on action (Create action, update action)
  •  Crud operation on role group 
  • Verify Access 


URL : /v1/verify/access
Request body : 
    userId : string
    url : string
    userAuthToken : string 

Response : 
     HTTP status code : 200, 401 

Resource categories :

  In sunbird we can divide resource in following three bucket.


PublicAll the resources that can access publicly, Using api access key
ProtectedAll protected resource access required api access key as well as x-authenticated-user-token of any valid user 
PrivateAll private resource access required api access key as well as x-authenticated-user-token of caller