Sunbird Design
All content
Space settings
Product requirements
Product requirements
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How-to articles
How-to articles
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File lists
File lists
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Project plans
Project plans
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Project task report blueprint
Project task report blueprint
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Troubleshooting articles
Troubleshooting articles
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Shared links
Shared links
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Results will update as you type.
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Notification Service
Ownership of Aggregate content (course, collection, book)
Platform Components
Product requirements
Dependent Filter
UI related stuff
BulkUpload Service download results
ETB 2.0 - Reserve Dial-code API specification
Upload ToC from CSV
Update ToC in Collection editor attributes by excel upload
Design to get list of ongoing and upcoming open batches.
Dashboard Metrics
[Design Brainstorm] Data structure for capturing dashboard portal metrics
[Data Product] Dashboard summariser - Cumulative
QR Image Generation
KP documentations
File lists
Design for adding org name for 'my courses'
[remove] Vocabulary, Taxonomy, FrameWork Design
[Data Product] Device summarizer
Keycloak and Kong Analysis
Vocabulary, FrameWork, and Taxonomy Equivalence Design
Project plans
Reserve release dialCode
Sign Up/Sign In using Google OAuth for Mobile/Portal
Design Brainstorm: Migrating all the content's previewUrl to streamingUrl based on the mimeType
NCF to All Frameworks in Portal
NCF to All Page - Mobile
T&C - with ‘accept’ check-box
Hide buttons 'Sign in with Google' and 'Sign Up' for older mobile app version.
V1 Templates in Ekstep
Page Management
V1 Plugins in Ekstep
[Design Discussion] Deployment Job Changes for SunbirdEd - Content Framework
File URL Validation
Optimize docker image for Sunbird LMS service
Configurable Portal Dashboards Reports Architecture
[Design discussion] Editor implementation for Collaboration
Elasticsearch Type Mapping
Question-set telemetry ASSESS event
Deletion of inactive user/Org accounts
[Design Brainstorm]Provide a telemetry event when slide has completed loading
Project task report blueprint
Remove GSON dependency from Sunbird Platform
Support for Video as Asset
[Implementation Design] - Bundle Katex library only if formula is used in the question
Telemetry V3.1 Specifications
Troubleshooting articles
2019-02-27 Retrospective
[Design] QuestionSet/Assessment score report
[Design] QuML: Feedback and Solution Popup
[Design] - Telemetry ASSESS Event proposed structural change
[Design Document] Using public or external videos in ECML content
Design for a lightweight healthcheck api in portal and content service.
Design for automated reports from Druid
Indexing Content Model to Druid
Synchronisation of timestamp param(ets) of telemetry event data with backend for Sunbird Editors and Player
Capturing usage of features for analysis
Learner Service Data Models Comparison
EQB Architecture
CBSE Question Bank Solicitation Format
Textbook as a Map -- for a fluid experience
Login Flow In Mobile App
Environment Stability - RCA
DataScience AMJ Road Map
Cassandra Audit Logging for Different Data Types
Tagging Content with multiple subjects, mediums and grades
Dashboard Table configuration
Single Sign On
Local Notification Configuration Data Structure
Offline desktop app windows packaging
Sunbird offline desktop application - Telemetry events spec
Content Discard API specification
Additional Metadata required in Textbook
FCM Notification Flow
Capturing Sign-in Type and User Role of users in Pipeline
[Design]Enhancing Device Profile and Creating Extended User Profile
Consumption Metrics
Licensing and Attribution on DIKSHA for Resources and Textbooks
[Design] Druid Fetcher Framework
Bulk Upload Service
Account Recovery workflow in Portal
Syncing device profile changes to Redis
[Design] Assessment score report
Launching of Experimentation on Portal.
Auto merge in SSO
Upgrade Node version in portal
Telemetry Changes of 2.6.0
TNC flow
Portal telemetry events
Google Sign in Flow in Portal
Error Message Localisation
Shared links
[Design] Programs on Sunbird portal
Dynamic content streaming quality based on internet connectivity for videos
[Offline mode] Unable to Play content in offline Mode
Implementation design for Location Capture: Device and User
Schema Definition - Version support
Splitting the Redis Updater samza job
Sync plugin for Telemetry, Course Progress, Assessment
Implementation design for updating the district details from derived location for District Level Report
Telemetry Changes done on dial page
Programs portal: Architecture
Content-Player: NPM Package build
content-player: Telemetry event details for NCERT quiz - PlaySession
Program Configuration
Reduce content consumption load time for Question Set
Changes to course progress calculation for videos/youtube and pdf content
Content Copy API specification - For supporting CurriculumCourse
To remove build dependency between Portal and Editor(s)
Design Discussion Template
[Portal] Tenant specific custom TPD Framework usage
Profiles Switching
[Brainstorm] Caching Data to increase performance, responsiveness and decrease network cost.
Securing Profiles Switching
Cassandra horizontal scaling
Discussion Forum
Developer's Doc - How to set up and use the portal chatbot client library
Collections - structure optimization
Design: Question and QuestionSet - Lifecycle
Events on Sunbird
Chatbot on Sunbird
Groups: Tech Documentation - Add activity
Program-service: wrapper API for open-saber to reduce API calls
Tabular Design Doc
Dashlets Design Doc
Program list API
Menu configuration deploy to blob steps
Add plugins outward relation with plugins, which has used in the content
Player iframe integration - List of events and Data
Menu options configurable - Dev-Ops CD flow development
• Sprint2 Retrospective - 2021-04-09
Release 1.14 Retrospective
• Sprint2 Retrospective - 2021-05-06
SB-Notification library
Dashlets Page-Wise Configuration Design Brainstorm
Form API's
Sunbird Portal :: CSP implementation
Portal : Form Configuration Object
[Design] Bulk Upload Questions
Enable transcripts for video content
Sunbird Lern - Design
Hawkeye Superset Automation
Sunbird Knowlg
Sunbird Obsrv
Sunbird inQuiry
[Design]Experiment Definition
The design approach for DIKSHA License Support in the content metadata plugin
Sunbird - Cloud Agnostic Data
Design: Separation of question-set & collection editor
Manage Learn - Add New CSP Storage - Implementation Changes & Testing
Sunbird CoKreat
Sunbird Portal :: Resource Bundle Externalisation
LR-324: BatchService: Refactoring of SB Lern Batch Service - Druid Dependency
Course Consumption Modalities
LR-556 Local setup of LMS - Ubuntu & Mac - Mock service setup
Hardcoded BMGS removal in Sunbirded Mobile App
Sunbird Backend CSP Changes For Generalisation
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Sunbird Design
Consumption Metrics
Consumption Metrics
Aniket Sakinala
Owned by
Aniket Sakinala
Jul 03, 2019
1 min read
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