Telemetry Changes done on dial page
Telemetry Changes done on dial page
- Rajeev Sathish
Owned by Rajeev Sathish
Nov 20, 2019
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As per sunbird release 2.5.0 we had done some changes for the telemetry that gets generated on the dial page
The telemetry flow that are generated on the dial page are as follows
1.Raise an Impression event on scan of the QR code and Landing into the dial page
Impression before the search is called Expand source
{ "eid": "IMPRESSION", "ets": 1574167747040, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "IMPRESSION:d19ca5a03aefa2b71553c9af7e6dc5ad", "actor": { "id": "4c5539d54424a290856c7006228e7551", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "01231711180382208027", "pdata": { "id": "staging.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.5.0", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "public", "sid": "846eb4e2-8871-a961-fe8c-28ce64a0fdd3", "did": "4c5539d54424a290856c7006228e7551", "cdata": [ { "type": "DialCode", "id": "646X5X" } ], "rollup": { "l1": "01231711180382208027" } }, "object": { "id": "646X5X", "type": "DialCode", "ver": "1.0", "rollup": { } }, "tags": [ "01231711180382208027" ], "edata": { "type": "view", "pageid": "get-dial-pre-populate", "uri": "/get/dial/646X5X?source=scan", "subtype": "paginate", "duration": 0.11 } }
2.Raise an Log event on when the search api is called
Log For search success Expand source
{ "eid": "LOG", "ets": 1574167747511, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "LOG:a70f1c64cf182dd26693c95334d236df", "actor": { "id": "4c5539d54424a290856c7006228e7551", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "01231711180382208027", "pdata": { "id": "staging.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.5.0", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "dialcode", "sid": "846eb4e2-8871-a961-fe8c-28ce64a0fdd3", "did": "4c5539d54424a290856c7006228e7551", "cdata": [ ], "rollup": { "l1": "01231711180382208027" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "01231711180382208027" ], "edata": { "type": "search-dialcode", "level": "SUCCESS", "message": "Search Dialcode was success", "pageid": "/get/dial/646X5X" } }
3. If the Search API returns any error generate a log event with failure log
Log an error log Expand source
{ "eid": "LOG", "ets": 1574167747511, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "LOG:a70f1c64cf182dd26693c95334d236df", "actor": { "id": "4c5539d54424a290856c7006228e7551", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "01231711180382208027", "pdata": { "id": "staging.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.5.0", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "dialcode", "sid": "846eb4e2-8871-a961-fe8c-28ce64a0fdd3", "did": "4c5539d54424a290856c7006228e7551", "cdata": [ ], "rollup": { "l1": "01231711180382208027" } }, "object": { }, "tags": [ "01231711180382208027" ], "edata": { "type": "search-dialcode", "level": "ERROR", "message": "Search Dialcode was success", "pageid": "/get/dial/646X5X" } }
4.Raise a Impression event post the Search API is called.
Impression event post search Expand source
{ "eid": "IMPRESSION", "ets": 1574167402532, "ver": "3.0", "mid": "IMPRESSION:0934cf3ead3345c48a5c390f986b6589", "actor": { "id": "4c5539d54424a290856c7006228e7551", "type": "User" }, "context": { "channel": "01231711180382208027", "pdata": { "id": "staging.diksha.portal", "ver": "2.5.0", "pid": "sunbird-portal" }, "env": "public", "sid": "42f2c406-c365-3e69-b0b6-c3b135d20b76", "did": "4c5539d54424a290856c7006228e7551", "cdata": [ { "type": "DialCode", "id": "646X5X" } ], "rollup": { "l1": "01231711180382208027" } }, "object": { "id": "646X5X", "type": "DialCode", "ver": "1.0", "rollup": { } }, "tags": [ "01231711180382208027" ], "edata": { "type": "view", "pageid": "get-dial-post-populate", "uri": "/get/dial/646X5X?source=scan", "subtype": "paginate", "duration": 0.63 } }