FCM Notification Flow

FCM Notification Flow

To broadcast a global level notification to all/specified users for providing set of information based upon the sunbird platform.

Registering the device to Notification server

Registering device for receiving the notification broadcast from notification server.

  1. Install the app and launch application
  2. Generate the notification token and send it to the notification server
  3. send user language to the notification server
  4. store notification token locally

Cordova Plugin

Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin

Refer plugin Doc for installation

Link: https://github.com/andrehtissot/cordova-plugin-fcm-with-dependecy-updated

Ionic Link: https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/fcm

Payload Data for sending Notifications

	notification: {
		title: "notification titile",
		body: "Message description body",
		sound: "sound_path/file_name.mp3",
		click_action: "FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY",
		icon: "icon_path/icon.png"
	data: {
		type: 2 , //Notification type will be integer - Their can different notification types, like DOWNTIME, GREETINGS, NON-DISPLAY and OTHERS
		bannerIcon: , //
		actionLink: {
			updateApp: , // Play Store link
			courseID: , // Course registered/started
			contentID: , // Try new content
			bookID: , // Book updated
			updatedFAQ: , // FAQ page(+section ID)
			survey: , // Google Form link (EXTERNAL URL)
			extVideo: , // Informational video - YouTube link (EXTERNAL URL)


Storing data locally for app purpose uses.

  1. Notification data - For in-app display of received notifications for user
  2. Notification Token - Token expiry check and updating token if expired

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