FCM Notification Flow
FCM Notification Flow
To broadcast a global level notification to all/specified users for providing set of information based upon the sunbird platform.
Registering the device to Notification server
Registering device for receiving the notification broadcast from notification server.
- Install the app and launch application
- Generate the notification token and send it to the notification server
- send user language to the notification server
- store notification token locally
Cordova Plugin
Google FCM Push Notifications Cordova Plugin
Refer plugin Doc for installation
Link: https://github.com/andrehtissot/cordova-plugin-fcm-with-dependecy-updated
Ionic Link: https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/fcm
Payload Data for sending Notifications
{ notification: { title: "notification titile", body: "Message description body", sound: "sound_path/file_name.mp3", click_action: "FCM_PLUGIN_ACTIVITY", icon: "icon_path/icon.png" }, data: { type: 2 , //Notification type will be integer - Their can different notification types, like DOWNTIME, GREETINGS, NON-DISPLAY and OTHERS bannerIcon: , // actionLink: { updateApp: , // Play Store link courseID: , // Course registered/started contentID: , // Try new content bookID: , // Book updated updatedFAQ: , // FAQ page(+section ID) survey: , // Google Form link (EXTERNAL URL) extVideo: , // Informational video - YouTube link (EXTERNAL URL) } } }
Storing data locally for app purpose uses.
- Notification data - For in-app display of received notifications for user
- Notification Token - Token expiry check and updating token if expired
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