Sunbird offline desktop application - Telemetry events spec
Sunbird offline desktop application - Telemetry events spec
Proposed Solution for offline desktop telemetry events
Use cases for plugin installation flow :
Plugin Buil Start Event
{ "eid": "START", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "type": "plugin", "uaspec": { "agent": "Chromium", "platform": "WebKit", "raw": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) snap Chromium/73.0.3683.103 Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36", "system": "Linux", "ver": "73.0.3683.103" } "mode": "installation" } }
Plugin Build Finish Event
{ "eid": "END", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "type": "plugin", "mode": "installation", "duration": "317 sec", "summary": [ { "installation_status": "success", "errors": 0 } ] } }
Use cases for Network Connection flow :
Network Connected Event
{ "eid": "AUDIT", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "props": [ "Network" ], "state": "Connected", "prevstate": "Disconnected", "duration": "10 sec" } }
Network Disconnected Event
{ "eid": "AUDIT", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "props": [ "Network" ], "state": "Disconnected", "prevstate": "Connected", "duration": "5 sec" } }
Use cases for changing settings flow :
Setting Modified Event
{ "eid": "AUDIT", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "props": [ "Setting" ], "state": <Current_Setting_State>, "prevstate": <Previous_Setting_State>, "duration": "3 sec" } }
Use cases for searching flow :
Searched Event
{ "eid": "SEARCH", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "type": "Search", "query": "Java", "filters": { "category": "technology" }, "sort": {}, "size": 20, "topn": [ {} ] } }
Use cases for each and every API call flow :
Log Event for each and every API calls
{ "eid": "LOG", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "type": "api_access", "level": "INFO", "message": "/api/search?text=java", "params": [ { "category": "technology" } ] } }
Error Event for each and every errors
{ "eid": "LOG", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "type": "api_access", "level": "ERROR", "message": "searched content not found on server" } }
Use cases for Downloading content flow :
Download Start Event
{ "eid": "AUDIT", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "props": [ "Download" ], "state": "Started", "prevstate": "Stopped" } }
Download Finish Event
{ "eid": "AUDIT", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "props": [ "Download" ], "state": "Finished", "prevstate": "Running", "duration": "240 sec" } }
Download Paused Event
{ "eid": "LOG", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "type": "content_download_paused", "level": "INFO", "message": "Download Paused", "params": [ { "content_id": "0777946b-adb1-4624-863c-f909a784b3e9" } ] } }
Download Resumed Event
{ "eid": "LOG", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "type": "content_download_resumed", "level": "ERROR", "message": <error_stack>, "params": [ { "content_id": "0777946b-adb1-4624-863c-f909a784b3e9" } ] } }
Download Failed Event
{ "eid": "LOG", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "type": "content_download_failed", "level": "ERROR", "message": <error_stack>, "params": [ { "content_id": "0777946b-adb1-4624-863c-f909a784b3e9" } ] } }
Download Duplicate Event
{ "eid": "LOG", "context": { "channel": "b00bc992ef25f1a9a8d63291e20efc8d", "pdata": { "id": "dev.sunbird.offline", "ver": "2.0.0", "pid": "sunbird-offline" }, "env": "offline" }, "edata": { "type": "content_download_duplicate", "level": "ERROR", "message": <error_stack>, "params": [ { "content_id": "0777946b-adb1-4624-863c-f909a784b3e9" } ] } }
, multiple selections available,
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