[Portal] Tenant specific custom TPD Framework usage

[Portal] Tenant specific custom TPD Framework usage


This document describes the design approach of using the TPD framework in the portal.


Jira Issue: https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/browse/SH-3

Epic: https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/browse/SH-33

Presently any tenant is using the framework as customization list of tenant-specific data(BGMS, Topics, sub-topics etc..). This framework is very well defined for ETB workflow

Problem Statement:

  1. How custom tenant framework can be used for content/resources created for course?

Key design problems:

  1. How to get a tenant specific framework(custom/default) TPD framework?

  2. How to send Textbook/Course specific framework data(specified by tenant) in the editor config while create/edit of content/resources?

Existing workflow:

Change request:

As part of https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/browse/SH-3 we have split creation workflow into 2 parts(in Workspace => Create)

1. Textbook

2. Training

Any resource/content created in Textbook section should use ETB framework defined by the tenant

Any resource/content created in Trainings section should use TPD framework defined by the tenant

Solution 1:

Get all framework details in the channel read API call(all framework-types).

Channel read API should return the frameworks for this channel. Each framework will be having “frameworkType“ that will define where to use this framework.

Presently there are 2 frameworks types supported/defined in the platform

  1. k_12 => Used for Library/Textbook workflows

  2. TPD => Used for Tanning/Course workflows

Below example is for the channel which has not defined custom frameworks(channel should use default frameworks)



{ "id": "api.channel.read", "ver": "1.0", "ts": "2020-05-12T07:32:55.520Z", "params": { "resmsgid": "cbae0600-9422-11ea-921e-b5cf18189e8e", "msgid": "59d4edd3-9ad3-f3e2-e9c0-1248c8add278", "status": "successful", "err": null, "errmsg": null }, "responseCode": "OK", "result": { "channel": { "identifier": "013016492159606784174", "lastStatusChangedOn": "2020-05-08T08:37:06.840+0000", "code": "013016492159606784174", "frameworks": [ { "identifier": "NCF", "default": true, "name": "NCF", "description": "ETB framework created for CBSE channel", "frameworkType": "K-12", "objectType": "Framework", "relation": "hasSequenceMember", "status": "Live" }, { "identifier": "TPD", "name": "TPD", "default": true, "description": "TPD framework created for CBSE channel", "frameworkType": "TPD", "objectType": "Framework", "relation": "hasSequenceMember", "status": "Live" } ], "consumerId": "ed450daa-a5fd-4295-a346-35ae58c1a602", "channel": "in.ekstep", "languageCode": [], "createdOn": "2020-05-08T08:37:06.840+0000", "objectType": "Channel", "versionKey": "1588927026840", "appId": "local.sunbird.portal", "name": "cbse", "lastUpdatedOn": "2020-05-08T08:37:06.840+0000", "status": "Live", "defaultFramework": "NCF" } } }

Note: In the above response “defaultFramework” : “NCF“ is not required. Because now every tenant has min 2 frameworks. One for Textbook & another one for the Course.


The below table defines the different possibilities of channel defining default & custom frameworks for Library & Training.

Assuming the default framework for Library/Textbook=NCF & Training/Course=TPD

Defined custom
ETB framework

Defined custom
TPD framework


Defined custom
ETB framework

Defined custom
TPD framework




Use the default frameworks

Library/Textbook should use a custom framework => NCF
Training/Course should use the default framework => TPD

ex: frameworks: [{NCF}, {TPD}]



Library/Textbook should use a custom framework => rj_k12
Training/Course should use the default framework => TPD

ex: frameworks: [{rj_k12}, {TPD}]



Library/Textbook should use the default framework => NCF
Training/Course should use a custom framework => rj_tpd

ex: frameworks: [{NCF}, {rj_tpd}]



Library/Textbook should use a custom framework => rj_k12
Training/Course should use a custom framework => rj_tpd

ex: frameworks: [{rj_k12}, {rj_tpd}]


  • Based on the framework type, consumption will decide which framework to use.

  • Will avoid form/read API call to get the TPD framework & also avoids defining forms for each tenant.



  • The existing functionality of using the default framework has to change

Solution 2:

Use form read API call to get which framework to use for create conent/resources.



{{host}}/api/data/v1/form/read request payload: { formType: 'framework', formAction: 'search/create', contentType: 'framework-code', rootOrgId: "013016492159606784174" }


Note : Since we are making the same getFormConfig API call to get the custom framework what we are making in the “Training” page, then we can take the same from the cache.

If the user is directly coming to the workspace and trying to create anything from the training sub-tab, then only we will make the API call and store it in the cache.

So, When the user goes to the “Training” page, we won’t make the API call again.


  • This is an existing workflow. It will be easy to implement.


  • The forms have to define for each tenant for search & create workflows

  • Multiple API calls to know which framework to use in search & create

  • Maintenance overhead.


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