Download manager implementation design
Download manager implementation design
This document explains the download manager implementation inside OpenRAP container and the interaction with the plugins and plugin states for a content download with different stages in detail. While downloading a file(content) and the different possible scenarios which occurs and how to handle them to restart or resume from the state where we left before the interruption.
Download Manager
Download Manager Implementation
/* * Below are the status for the download manager with different status */ enum STATUS { Submitted = "SUBMITTED", InProgress = "INPROGRESS", Completed = "COMPLETED", EventEmitted = "EVENTEMITTED" } /* Method to get the instance of the download manager */ getInstance = function(String pluginId) : DownloadManager {// create new instance of the download manager against plugin and return it.}; /* This method will ensure that when the service is started/restarted updates the queue using data from download_queue database */ reconciliation = function() { // Get the data from database where downloads which are not emitted the event // Filter the documents // Emit the events for download files which are not emitted the events // Add the downloads to queue if the files are having status Submitted, In-Progress }; /* * Method to watch for the download queue whether it is running or not */ downloadQueueWatcher = function() { // create a time interval which will check the health the download queue this should not fail }; /* * Method to queue the download of a file * @param file - The file to download * @param path - Path to download the file * @return downloadId - The download id reference */ download = function(String file, String path) : String {// insert the download request with data to database// push the download request to queue // return the downloadId back}; /* * Method to queue the download of a file * @param file - The file to download * @param path - Path to download the file * @return downloadId - The download id reference */ download = function(String[] files, String folder) : String { // insert the download request with data to database // push the download request to queue // return the downloadId back }; /* * Method to get the status of the download * @param downloadId String * @return Download object */ get = function(String downloadId) : DownloadObject { // Read status of the request with downloadId and return downloadObject }; /* * Method to pause the download * @param downloadId String */ pause = function(String downloadId) : Promise { // call pause method with downloadId in the queue }; /* * Method to cancel the download * @param downloadId String */ cancel = function(String downloadId) : Promise { // remove the download row from database // remove the download request from queue using downloadId }; /* * Method to pause all the downloads for the given plugin * @param downloadId String */ pauseAll = function() : Promise { // call pauseAll method on the queue and return the promise }; /* * Method to cancel all the downloads for the given plugin * @param downloadId String */ cancelAll = function() : Promise {// get all the downloadIds which are not completed// call killDownload with all the downloadIds on the queue and return the promise }; /* * Method to list the download queue based on the status * @param status String - The status of the download - Submitted, Complete, InProgress, Failed. Blank option will return all status * @return Array - Array of download objects */ list = function(String status): DownloadObject[] { // get the list of items from database if status is provided otherwise get all the status }; // sample download object { id: String, // Download id status: String, // Submitted, InProgress, Complete, Failed. createdOn: Date, updatedOn: Date, stats: { totalFiles: Number, // Total files to download downloadedFiles: Number, // Total files downloaded so far totalSize: Number, // Total number of bytes to download downloadedSize: Number, // Total number of bytes downloaded so far }, files: [{ // Status of each file within the given download file: String, // File that is downloaded source: String, // source from where it is downloaded path: String, // Relative path where the file is downloaded to size: Integer, // Total file size in bytes downloaded: Integer // Downloaded until now }] }
{ /*Below are different content status in plugin */ enum CONTENT_DOWNLOAD_STATUS { Submitted = "SUBMITTED", Extracted = "EXTRACTED", Indexed = "INDEXED" } init() { // register with SDK and get Managers instance // reconciliation() }/* This method will ensure that when the service is started/restarted process the content based on the content status Eg: if the content is extracted state then it will index the content */ reconciliation = function() { // Get the Submitted content status and if completed then state with extraction // Get the contents with Extracted state and index them database }; // listen to the events for content complete EventManager.on("sunbirded:download:complete", () => {// extract the content // index the content }) }