ETB Consumption One-Pagers

ETB Consumption One-Pagers

One-pager JTBD header template

One-pager user story header template

Objective: One-pager objective template


  • One-pager assumptions template


  1. One-pager body template

Increase D0 Play to 85%

Merge onboarding page with library landing page

Objective: Increase the probability of the user finishing the onboarding stage (from 85% to >90%)


  • The QR scanner section might not be getting sufficient attention from users. Adding an attention-seeking animation here should help.
  •  ~70% of users interact with the board selection option, ~25% with the QR scanner option and yet the overall onboarding completion from QR scanning is ~50%. 
  • A majority of users who completed onboarding before June used scanning as their primary means of onboarding. It would be helpful to increase this in FTUEv2.
  • Users get a sense of how much the app contains (seeing the courses/library/downloads page etc.)
  • Users of courses are more likely to get to what they want, thereby increasing their funnel output.


  1. User lands on library page just after the permissions page and location confirmation page.
  2. User sees the board, medium and class selection on the library main page instead of books until they submit their BMC configuration.
  3. (Optional) The user only requires to enter the board, and then sees the relevant mediums and classes which they'll have to navigate for their specific content.
  4. The QR scanner icon gets the attention seeking animation (a glowing ring, or a pulsing anim) so that users are more likely to tap it.
  5. (Optional) The user sees a popup message asking users to scan the QR code in their books via the scanner icon.

Merge the textbook details page with the content play action

Objective: To mitigate the drop on the content details page (thereby increasing play% to 100% from 90% ), and essentially just use one page for QR scan results page and textbook details page. (Lesser screens for user to remember).


  • Who really needs one more click, lolz.
  • The user is just tired of clicking from page to page so many times.
  • The user doesn't clearly understand that they should click on the bright white shiny 'PLAY' button.
  • Design team will figure out how to make download, sharing and looking at more details, intuitive.
  • Legal team will be ok with the license being displayed only if user taps on 'more details' for the content in the book.
  • Content owners will be ok with their ownership/authorship being displayed only if user taps on 'more details' for the content in the book.


  1. User lands on textbook details page.
  2. User clicks on the content card to initiate play, instead of taking them further to the content details page.
  3. User can tap secondary buttons on the card to download, share or see more details.

Make the Play button a lot more obvious on content details page

Objective: To increase play% on content details page from 90% to 100%


  • The PLAY button is not clear enough.


  1. Redesign content details page.

Make the content cards more 'clickable' in the textbook details page

Objective: To increase the click-through rate on the textbook details page from 85% to 100%


  • The user doesn't realize that the content card can be clicked.


  1. Redesign the textbook details page to make the content card more obvious

Use an intro video after the user selects their language to let users know what this app is all about, and give a step-by-step explanation on what to do next

Objective: To increase the overall Play % on D0


  • Some users don't know what to expect, and why they're using this app anyway.
  • Some users might not be able to read, and therefore can't read instructions (interactive or otherwise).


  1. User selects language and clicks 'Continue'.
  2. User sees a video that auto-starts explaining what the Sunbird app is all about, and why they should use it.
  3. User sees steps on how to play content for the first time.

Use interactive nudges to get users to do the next step

Objective: To goad the user to go onto the next step


  • Having in-context hints on pages will increase the chance of going through
  • As long as the hints aren't text heavy, even users who can't read can continue to move forward.


  1. Have an interactive hint on each and every screen to nudge users in the right direction (mostly onboarding, library page, textbook details page, and content details page).

Consumption Instrumentation Fixes

Mobile app instrumentation fixes

Objective: To make mobile app instrumentation more complete and analysis friendly


  • The team will continue to maintain the completeness and analysis-friendliness


  1. All user flows to be easily trackable
  2. All context and rollups to be trackable
  3. All user info to be available for each launch
  4. Sanity basic page/button telemetry should be fired for pages/buttons
  5. As far as possible, the relevant columns should already be indexed by Druid

Portal instrumentation fixes

Objective: To make portal instrumentation more complete and analysis friendly


  • The team will continue to maintain the completeness and analysis-friendliness


  1. All user flows to be easily trackable
  2. All context and rollups to be trackable
  3. All user info to be available for each launch
  4. Sanity basic page/button telemetry should be fired for pages/buttons
  5. As far as possible, the relevant columns should already be indexed by Druid

Player instrumentation fixes

Objective: To make player instrumentation more complete and analysis friendly


  • The team will continue to maintain the completeness and analysis-friendliness


  1. All user flows to be easily trackable with relevant content id information wherever possible
  2. Launch of player
  3. Loading of all assets complete
  4. Slide displayed (with slide number)
  5. User attempts to go to prev/next slide (with slide number)
  6. End of content summary displayed
  7. Quit popup displayed
  8. Player exited
  9. As far as possible, the relevant columns should already be indexed by Druid

Improve content consumption experience

Improve video consumption experience

Objective: To make the video consumption experience intuitive and better 


  • Users aren't comfortable with the video consumption experience as is.
  • They find it hard to navigate within the video.
  • They don't know why and how to jump to the end of a video.


  1. Better UI for video-content-consumption experience.

Improve ECML navigation UX

Objective: To make it easy for users to navigate amongst various screens of content, and to better utilize screen real estate


  • Users are more likely to click next if we had the navigation icons on the top row, instead of middle of screen.
  • The real estate can be better utilized for content if we didn't have to enforce vertical columns on the left and right just for cursor keys
  • All content that might have overlap due to the new UI can be easily modified/edited so as to cause the least disturbance to users and relevant creators.
  • non-ECML content will be least impacted since they're all full screen content anyway, and concerns regarding overlap of UGC content are low.


  1. Move the navigation bar to be as the top row.
  2. Modify all templates to follow the new UI design.
  3. Republish all content to make use of latest UI design.

Interactive hints for better ECML content consumption experience

Objective: To ensure users know how to navigate through ECML content


  • Users don't understand that they need to tap the 'next' button
  • Users don't understand how questions and answer work on the ECML content


  1. User is directed to click on the 'next slide' button.
  2. If thee's a question on screen, the user is instructed in how to answer the question.


Notifications infra to send notifications to devices/users that meet a particular criteria

Objective: To be able to send notifications to devices to improve retention and engagement


  • Notifications help as external triggers to build habits
  • It makes appropriate sense to build our own notifications infra instead of reusing third party tools for the same


  1. Allow devices to be targeted based on location, board, medium, class, user-type and age (based on first-seen date).
  2. Send notifications of various types to reengage users.
  3. Track the delivery rates and open rates of notifications to understand effectiveness of campaign.

One-pager user story header template

Objective: One-pager objective template


  • One-pager assumptions template


  1. One-pager body template

One-pager user story header template

Objective: One-pager objective template


  • One-pager assumptions template


  1. One-pager body template

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