Contextual request for Android permissions

Contextual request for Android permissions


Around 5-15% of users tend to skip providing one (or more) permissions to access camera, storage and microphone via the mobile app. In keeping with best practices, we will now inform users about why certain permissions are needed and if they choose to still reject permission requests, they will be asked for the permission at the time it is needed.


  • Jobs To Be Done: As a user, I am asked for permissions at launch and not told why. The permissions look intimidating, so I choose not to accept the requests. I'd like to know why I'm asked for certain permissions.
  • User Personas: TeacherStudentRamShyam
  • System or Environment: Mostly at home, though likely to be used in school or in transit

Requirement Specifications

This section consists of requirement specifications for specific use cases in the User JTBD. The requirements for each use case are elaborated in detail through sub-sections for:

  • Use case overview
  • Overall process workflow
  • Associated user stories 
  • Non-functional requirements
  • Localization requirements  
  • Telemetry requirements
  • Dependencies
  • Impact on other products
  • Impact on existing data  


As a user, I'd like to know why certain permissions are asked so I understand whether to provide access or not.

Overall Process Workflow


As a user, I'd like to be informed about the permissions needed instead of directly being asked for it

When the user launches the app, before anything else, they're first asked for permissions. Going forward, we'll ask for permissions just before they're needed - and inform users about why that is so.

Main Scenario - Asking for permissions at launch

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

User installs app and launches itUser sees splash screen, and then sees language selection. NO permissions are requested.

User selects a language and moves to next screen.User sees user-type selection screen.

User selects the type of user and presses 'Continue'.User is shown the permissions information screen.

User reads the reasoning and taps 'Give Access'User is asked for each of the permissions, and responds to them all.

If user has granted access to Camera, the user is taken to the onboarding QR scan page;

If not, the user is taken to the manual onboarding page (directly skips the QR Scan page).

Life goes on.

Alternate Scenario 1 - User doesn't grant access to any of the permissions during onboarding

Srl. No.User ActionExpected Result

Since user hasn't granted Camera access, user is taken to manual onboarding page.User sees the B/M/C selection screen.

User provides their B/M/C and clicks continue.User lands on the Library page.

User goes in anywhere and downloads content.Content is downloaded onto device (Storage within app folder doesn't require the permission).

User goes into 'Downloads' and taps on Settings; or taps on the toast message that says 'Running low on memory, move content to SD card'.

User sees a popup asking to grant access to storage.

If user provides access to storage, user is taken to storage settings;

If user denies access to storage, the bottom toast message shows 'Unable to access storage as permission was denied (Settings button)'

In first scenario, user can change storage to SD card.

In second scenario, if user taps on 'Settings', they are taken to the Settings > Permissions page within the Sunbird app.

If user is in Settings > Permissions page within the app, user can tap anywhere on the row with a particular permission request (text or toggle icon seen on the right).User is taken to the Android settings page for THAT app. If they change any permissions here, it reflects when they return to Settings > Permission within the app.

User does nothing, and returns to app and taps on QR scan button.User sees the popup asking to grant access to camera. (Following steps are similar to the above scenario for storage).

User plays a content that has Record and Play functionality within.Straightforward play of content happens satisfactorily.

User taps on 'Record' within the content.Nothing happens, as the permission hasn't been provided (scenario handled later as an additional user-story, due to Canvas dependencies).

Exception Scenarios

Srl. No.Error / ExceptionExpected Handling

User has granted access to permissions, and after many days, disables permission for CameraWhen user taps on QR scan button, they see the Camera permission request popup. If it was set on permanently deny, then they see the error toast message that can redirect them to Settings.

User has granted access to permissions, and after many days, disables permission for Storage

If data storage was on internal storage, no immediate impact. If they attempt to enter Settings within 'Downloads' tab, they see the Storage permission popup.

If data storage was on external storage / SD card, when app is launched, they see the Storage permission request popup. If user denies / permanently denies, the storage is automatically changed to internal storage. User is likely to see no downloaded content, since all that was downloaded is in SD card.

If user later provides access to SD card and attempts to move existing content to SD card - our current process of merging content comes into effect.

User has granted access to permissions, and after many days, disables permission for Microphone.When user taps on 'Record' inside content, nothing happens. (Will be handled as part of other story).



For Future Release

Granting of permissions while a content is being played, will be handled in a later release (For e.g., microphone access).

JIRA Ticket ID

SB-12268 - Getting issue details... STATUS

<Use Case 1 - User Story 2> Overview

Localization Requirements

UI ElementDescriptionLanguage(s)/ Locales Required
All Permission titlesPermission titles (e.g. Camera, Microphone, Storage)All supported Sunbird languages
All permission bodiesAll explanations of why the permission is requiredAll supported Sunbird languages
Permission denial toastsAll failure messagesAll supported Sunbird languages

Telemetry Requirements

Event NameDescriptionPurpose
Onboarding permission displayWhen the user sees the list of various permissions requested, and the reason for it.To keep track of how many first time users arrive at the permissions request page.
Permission request popup displayWhenever a permission isn't provided, and is needed for an upcoming action (additional params: permission name)To know how many devices are in a situation where they're asked for a permission beyond onboarding.
Android permission popup displayWhen we request for a permission and Android displays a popup (addn params: permission name)To know how many users were redirected to the Android permission popup.
Android permission popup responseWhen we receive acceptance/rejection via the Android request (addn params: permission name, accepted/rejected)To know how the user responded to the request.
Feature inaccessible toast displayWhen a permission is rejected, and user can't use the feature (addn params: permission name, current page)To know where the user received a failed message, and to see frequency of the same.
Tapped on Setting from toastWhen user taps on 'Settings' text in toast (addn params: permission name, current page)To know if the user took an active step towards enabling a permission.
Arriving at Settings > PermissionsWhen user lands on Permissions page within app (addn params: previous page (Settings / Library / Downloads etc.)To know if user landed on the permissions page from Main menu > Settings, or from an error toast message.
Tapping on a permission's status in Permissions pageWhen user interacts with a permission's status in the permissions page (addn params: permission name, its current status on/off )To know if user attempts to change the permission status manually
Status update of permissions pageWhen user goes to the Android permissions page, and returns after changing some permissions (addn params: list of [permission name, new status on/off ] ONLY if those permission statuses changed)To know if user successfully changed any statuses directly in Android settings and returned back to the Permissions page in app.

Non-Functional Requirements

Performance / Responsiveness RequirementsLoad/Volume RequirementsSecurity / Privacy Requirements
No page should take more than a second to loadNA for single deviceNA for single device

Impact on other Products/Solutions

Product/Solution ImpactedImpact Description
Only has an impact on mobile app

Impact on Existing Users/Data 

User/Data ImpactedImpact Description
Existing users will see permission request popups only if they have disabled certain permissions and those are required for an upcoming task. Request popup will be displayed.

Key Metrics

Srl. No.MetricPurpose of Metric

% of devices that grant access vs. cancel for now during onboardingTo see what % of users deny permissions at the onboarding stage.

% of devices that grant access vs. cancel at the time of action (e.g. QR Scan)To see what % of users deny permissions when the request was initiated by their own action.

% of devices that go to Settings to change it, when error message is seenTo notice if dire effect of their actions prompt users to give access to certain permissions after all.