Design for verify OTP
Design for verify OTP
Problem statement:
As a sunbird system it should be able to do the verification of generated OTP.
Proposed Solution:
Sunbird will expose new api to verify OTP. Both Generate OTP and Verify OTP can be a single micro-service. New api structure will be as follow.
Verify OTP
URI: v1/user/otp/verify Method: POST Request body : { "request": { "key":"either phone or email" "type":"email/phone" "otp": "otp value" } } Response body: { { "id": "api.user.otp.verify", "ver": "v1", "ts": "2018-11-21 08:55:04:708+0000", "params": { "resmsgid": null, "msgid": "8e27cbf5-e299-43b0-bca7-8347f7e5abcf", "err": null, "status": "success", "errmsg": null }, "responseCode": "OK", "result": { } } // in case of failure it will have errmsg and responseCode will be failure code (client-error, server-error)
This api will do following checks:
- key should be either valid phone number format or email format.
- Incoming OTP should match with configured one (example: configured is alphanumeric but it's coming only as numeric, or configured is 5 digits but it's having only 4 or more than 5 digits)
- This email/phone should not be in blocked list (blocked for 24 hours or some configured time due to too many hits) - Design required , in case of blocked list where need to be store it
- OTP generation/verification need to generate api access telemetry.
Open points:
- Once OTP is verified , DO we need to removed it completely from DB or Do we need to hold for 24 hours , so that within 24 hours also he should not exceed limit.
, multiple selections available,
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