ETB 2.0: LP & DIAL code

ETB 2.0: LP & DIAL code

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  • DIAL code request to be generated from the system using ETB editor.

Background and strategic fit

Previously DIAL code request was made offline over email. Though the initial days this approach work perfectly fine (with champion states). As the number of partners (states) increases the offline request can't paces up with the growing request. 

Over a period of time, the ETB basic workflows have become stable and request for DIAL Codes is required to be in the system. 


  • Before ETB creation to start states channel and other on-boarding are done.
  • ETB creator will have the reference of the book he wants to create and identify the places where DIAL codes are required.
  • DIAL code will be generated in async mode and ETB Creator can download DIAL code images and distribute them to the DTP operator to place them in the physical copy.
  • ETB DIAL code validation will be against the one created for the book.
  • One DIAL code per marker


#TitleUser StoryComponent
1ETB editor to have the DIAL code request marker.
ETB editor to have a UI element (boolean, True| False) against TB and TB unit to capture the request for DIAL Code required at that Textbook, section, Subsection level.  SB-7728 - Getting issue details... STATUS SB-7729 - Getting issue details... STATUS
ETB Editor
2 Total number of DIAL code

After adding markers for the required DIAL code at TB, TB unit/ subsection at TB level, the total number of DIAL code request can be raised.

At TB level Total number of dial code required to be displayed. 

SB-7959 - Getting issue details... STATUS

 ETB Editor
3Trigger the DIAL code request

User shall be able to see the total number of DIAL code require and trigger requested to generate the request number of DIAL codes.

SB-7960 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ETB Editor
4Generate DIAL codes

LP shall create the requested number of DIAL codes,  create images using the DIAL codes and provide the download URL for all the images( URL zip packet of the images and CSV, mapping DIAL code and request marker title). Images should be DTP ready.

SB-7962 - Getting issue details... STATUS

5Request more DIAL code

ETB creator can request DIAL code again, by marking existing or adding new Section/ subsection. 

SB-7964 - Getting issue details... STATUS

ETB Editor
6Regenerate the DIAL code 

LP shall regenerate the DIAL code for the updated request ( It should include previously generated DIAL code) for the ETB.

DIAL code API shall not reassign the DIAL code created for one ETB to other ETB request. A DIAL code once assigned to one ETB shall not be reassigned to another ETB.  

SB-7965 - Getting issue details... STATUS

7Verification for DIAL code

A CSV report generated by scanning the PDF/Physical copy should be used to verify the DIAL codes. Any DIAL code in the CSV outside of the allotted DIAL code should provide an appropriate error. Mismatch rectification can be done via LP APIs.

SB-7967 - Getting issue details... STATUS

8Design Task for ETB SB-7969 - Getting issue details... STATUS UX Design

User interaction and design



Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

Structured DIAL code request The request shall be made via the system. 
DIAL code verificationDIAL code verification is done online using the CSV output from the verification app. 

Not Doing

  • One to one mapping of DIAL code with Marker.
  • An auto arrangement of DIAL codes based on the verification report (CSV from verification app)

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