Discussion Forum: Widget Creation
This document will help to create the Discussion-UI library Widgets.
Discussion-UI library to be setup and running.
Note: Refer to this wiki for setup: https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SBDES/pages/2269708311
Architecture Diagram:
Steps to create Discussion-UI library widgets:
setup the library
In the application create a folder with the widget name you want to create
Ex: Category-WidgetInside the folder create the html file with name “category-widget-component.html“
copy the below code into the html file.
Single Component Widget:<div> <lib-discuss-category *ngIf='state === category ' (stateChange)='stateChange($event)'></lib-discuss-category> </div>
Mulitple Component WIdget:<div> <lib-discuss-category *ngIf='state === category ' (stateChange)='stateChange($event)'></lib-discuss-category> <lib-discuss-home *ngIf='state === homePage' (stateChange)='stateChange($event)'></lib-discuss-home> <lib-discussion-details *ngIf='state === detailsPage' [topicId]='tid' [slug]='slug'></lib-discussion-details> </div>
Inside the folder create the component with name “category-widget-component.ts“
Inside the component copy the below code.
import { Component, Inject, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core'
import { ConfigService, IdiscussionConfig, EventsService, NavigationServiceService, DiscussionService, BaseWrapperComponent } from '@project-sunbird/discussions-ui-v8'
selector: 'sb-category-widget',
templateUrl: './category-widget.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./category-widget.component.css']
export class CategoryWidgetComponent extends BaseWrapperComponent {
@Input() discussionConfig!: IdiscussionConfig
tid!: number
slug!: string
categoryId: any
configSvc: ConfigService,
discussionService: DiscussionService,
navigationServiceService: NavigationServiceService,
eventService: EventsService) {
super(navigationServiceService, eventService, configSvc, discussionService,)
// @Input() config
wrapperInit() {
this.state = this.category
stateChange(event) {
this.state = event.action
7. Now the “sb-category-widget“ is ready to use.
Component Details:
Component Name | Component Selector | Component State Name | Input for Component | Output from Component |
8. use the widget anywhere in the application as shown below.
Note: Refer to this wiki for usage of widgets: https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SBDES/pages/2428567587
Limitations For Widget:
same widgets with different configurations will not work in same page