Discussion Forum: Widget Integration
Discussion Forum: Widget Integration
This document will help to use the Discussion-UI library widgets.
Discussion-UI library to be setup and running.
Note: Refer to this wiki for setup: Developer's Doc: How to set-up and use Discussions-UI library
Steps to use Discussion-UI library widgets:
setup the library
setup the widgets using below steps.
Go to the html page where the widget needs to be integrated.
Category-Widget: .
<sb-category-widget [config]="discussionConfig"></sb-category-widget>
<sb-tags-widget [config]="discussionConfig"></sb-tags-widget>
4. Now define the input for the widget in the component file.
import { IdiscussionConfig } from '@project-sunbird/discussions-ui-v8'
discussionConfig: IdiscussionConfig = {
menuOptions: [{ route: 'categories', enable: true }],
userName: 'nptest',
categories: { result: ["2"] },
5.The widget is integrated and u should be able to in the application.