Developer's Doc: How to setup and use Discussions-middleware

Developer's Doc: How to setup and use Discussions-middleware

This document will help the developer ( or third-party vendors ) to set up and use Discussion-middleware.


This discussions-middleware works like an API proxy. All the discussions-forum related APIs will go via this proxy.

Git Repository:



  1. Local nodebb should be installed ( or for a particular environment )
    Note: Refer to this link for easy installation: https://docs.nodebb.org/installing/os/

  2. all the necessary plugins to be installed and activated for the nodebb to access certain APIs,

Steps to set up DMW locally :

Step-1 : Git clone:

> git clone git@github.com:Sunbird-Ed/discussions-middleware.git > nvm use 12 (min node version 12) > cd discussion-middleware > yarn

Step-2: Add the following configuration in environmentVariablesHelper.js

'use strict' const env = process.env const __envIn = 'dev'; let localEnv = { NODEBB_SERVICE_URL: 'http://localhost:4567', Authorization: <master token>, nodebb_api_slug: env.nodebb_api_slug || '/api' } module.exports = localEnv;

Replace the ‘<mater token>’ with your local NodeBB master token.

Q1. How to generate/get master token?
Ans. Local NodeBB should be running fine. Install the Write-API NodeBB plugin.
After successfull installation, generate the master token by refering below link.
Discussion Forum: Deployment | Step 5: Creating Nodebb Token

  1. Start the application

    > npm run start

middleware will be running on port 3002
URL: http”//localhost:3002


DMW setup using script

if you are doing the discussion middleware local setup for the first time, you can use the below script file.

  1. Create discussion_dmw.sh file with below script and run the script with the command bash discussion_dmw.sh.

here you have give branch name to clone the repo. You see all available branch names here DMW-Branchs. Then follow this steps Step-2