Question Set Duplication

Question Set Duplication


An admin is able to duplicate an already created question set within a project and make the required edits


Challenges in the current solution flow:

Creation of the question set requires the admin to enter values for the following xx fields:-

Name, Description, Keywords, Instructions, Board, Medium, Grade, Subject, Audience, Visibility


Apart from this, the admin has to add at least 1 child where he/she has to enter values for the following 3 fields:-

Name, Description, Keywords

Above mentioned are the bare minimum that an admin has to do to create a single question set. Now, based on the current/ongoing use cases it has been found that the number of question sets for some projects range from 15 to 30+. For eg:- Chapter worksheets or HOTS Question Bank development are ongoing projects in Haryana state.


In a particular HOTS Question Bank Project ( Name:- ‘ HOTS Question Library: Grade 7: Hindi ‘ ) there are 33 Question sets (one for each chapter in Grade 7: Hindi), for which the admin has to individually create 33 question sets wherein all the fields except ‘Name’ of the question set is exactly the same. 

Hence, to make the flow more user friendly, a duplicate question set option should be available at each question set which saves time & effort of the admin in manual tasks.


Functional solution:

Enable a duplicate question set functionality while creating question sets within a project.

The proposed solution is to :-

  1. Add a button in front of each question set which enables the user to duplicate that question set.

  2. All fields of the question set get duplicated and a new question set gets created

Note: The blueprint of the question set is not duplicated

  1. On clicking ‘Edit Question set’ the user/admin has the option to edit all the fields of the question set & the subsequent child sections (same as while creating a new question set)


Slide 7-17 attached for wireframes of the solution


Technical solution:

On pressing duplicate, we’ll take the question-set data and pass it to create API


  • questionset/v1/create : to create question-set

  • questionset/v1/hierarchy/update : to add question-set in hierarchy



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