Additional Metadata required in Textbook

Additional Metadata required in Textbook


In view of providing better experience for devices which run on a low configuration and/or low bandwidth, to the offline modes- mobile and desktop apps, the following is decided :

1. Addition of hierarchy.json file inside the ecar, which consists of the minimum required data in hierarchical structure, for viewing content in the apps mentioned.

2. Two new metadata fields are added into the existing metadata :

i.  totalCompressedSize - Size of the Textbook in compressed/zipped format

ii. totalUncompressedSize - Size of the Textbook in uncompressed format

    The above fields are required to determine the available disk space of the user for downloading app-related content.

Ecar Structure


| _ _ _ _ _ manifest.json

| _ _ _ _ _ hierarchy.json

| _ _ _ _ _ other folders

Sample Hierarchy Json










   "description":"Text Book in English for Class III",


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