Smoothen out the course enrolment experience

Smoothen out the course enrolment experience

As a teacher

I want to be able to enrol into the course assigned to me by the state without any friction

So that I can take the course. 


The current courses experience on the mobile app has multiple points of friction - particularly in course discovery and enrolment. Data shows that out of 100% of users landing on the courses page, median clicks on enroll in course is around 17%, and median actual enrolments is around 13% out of that (these numbers are larger in the first week when the course is mandatory - they rest at 50% and 78%). Field studies point towards the current enrolment experience being the roadblock in this process. Hence, this story aims to fix that.

Current experience: Open a course -> Enroll -> Sign in/up -> Search for a course (!) -> Enroll again (!) -> Select a batch -> Successfully enrolled. 
Proposed experience: Open a course -> Enroll -> Select a batch -> Sign in/up -> Successfully enrolled. 

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN I am a teacher viewing the courses tab

WHEN I choose to enroll in course

THEN I am shown the list of ongoing batches. 

GIVEN I am viewing the batches

WHEN I choose to enroll in a batch

THEN I am taken to the sign in page. 

GIVEN I am on the sign in page

WHEN I successfully sign in/sign up


1. I am enrolled into the course and I'm shown a message confirming the same

2. I'm taken to the course TOC page from where I can start the course

3. I see that particular course in the "My Courses" section. 

Other details

  • On the ongoing batches page, the enroll link should be converted to a button (using the design guidelines)
  • If there are no active batches for a course, the user should be given the feedback even before they are asked to login. (Same message as of today)