inQuiry - Add New Cloud Storage - Implementation Changes & Testing
This document explains what components of Sunbird inQuiry (version: release-5.2.0) uses Cloud Storage and how to integrate new Cloud Storage.
Above diagram shows inQuiry components (marked in yellow colour) and its connections with cloud storage.
As of now inQuiry supports cloud storage operations with Azure, Aws, Google Storage.
inQuiry has below flink jobs which interact with cloud storage for upload/download operation:
inquiry-api-service transforms cloud related metadata (e.g: downloadUrl, appIcon, etc) but doesn't interact with cloud storage. So there is no dependency with cloud-storage-sdk module.
e.g: the service convert cloud specific path (absolute path) to cloud neutral path (relative path) and vice versa.
In order to add support for any other cloud storage (e.g: OCI) under inQuiry components, below steps need to be followed:
async-questionset-publish & questionset-republish flink job:
Code Changes:
Both jobs uses cloud-storage-sdk for cloud storage operations. So first the sdk need a code change to have support for new cloud storage provider (e.g: OCI).
Job Name | inQuiry Release Version | cloud-storage-sdk Version | cloud-storage-sdk scala version |
async-questionset-publish | release-5.2.0 |
| 2.12 |
questionset-republish | release-5.2.0 |
| 2.12 |
Sunbird cloud-storage-sdk is a utility which provides methods for cloud upload/download operations.
Link to cloud-storage-sdk git repo:
It provides an interface IStorageService which should be implemented for new cloud storage provider.
Once the cloud-storage-sdk new version is published in maven central, we need to update the version in jobs-core module
If required, Make Code Changes to CloudStorageUtil
Configuration Changes:
Override value for below variables under private devops repo (file path: ansible/inventory/<env_name>/Knowledge-Platform/secrets.yml) for new storage account:
Variable Name | Description | Example Value |
| storage provider name | azure |
| unique key to identify the storage account | sunbirddevbbpublic |
| secret key to access the storage account. | NA |
| end point of cloud storage account. | ““ |
| bucket/container name where data will be stored/ read from. | sunbird-content-dev |
| this flag is used to enable disable cloud agnostic data feature. | false |
| this variable will have string value which will replace cloud storage base path & bucket name | CLOUD_STORAGE_BASE_PATH |
| this variable will have list of metadata which has cloud storage url |
| this variable will have either CNAME or base url of cloud storage account |
| this variable will have list of urls which should be replaced by CLOUD_STORAGE_BASE_PATH string if cloud agnostic feature is enabled. |
Configuration File Reference:
Build & Deploy both Job
Test Question/QuestionSet Publish Workflow.
Question/QuestionSet should be published successfully.
metadata having cloud storage file reference should be accessible.
e.g: downloadUrl pointing to a file, should be downloadable.
2. inquiry-api-service:
The Service need only configuration change to maintain relative path in database while write operation and return the absolute path for cloud related metadata while read operation.
If appIcon has been given as absolute url ( in Question/QuestionSet Create API, the service should store it as relative path (CLOUD_STORAGE_BASE_PATH/questionset/do_213687607599996928135/artifact/download-1.thumb.jpg) and the read api should return back the absolute url.
In above example, base url of storage account & bucket name got replaced with a string value "CLOUD_STORAGE_BASE_PATH" configured in cloudstorage_relative_path_prefix variable.
Config Changes:
Override value for below variables under private devops repo (file path: ansible/inventory/<env_name>/Core/secrets.yml) for new storage account:
Configuration File Reference:
After Configuration Change, Deploy the assessment service.
Test Question Create & Read API with some metadata having cloud path (e.g: appIcon)
cloudstorage_relative_path_prefix variable should have same value across the infra for all inQuiry components and Knowlg content service, search-indxer flink job.