Obsrv Sandbox

Obsrv Sandbox



The following is where you can find documentation for data center installation of Obsrv. (Obsrv cannot be installed on a laptop and it is not meant to be)

 https://github.com/ManojKrishnaChintaluri/Community/blob/update-doc/use/obsrv-deployment-using-helm.md .


We have created a sandbox environment specifically for you to explore and experiment with obsrv using your own datasets. We have included all the necessary details in this mail regarding this exciting Sunbird obsrv sandbox environment below:

Postman API Collection:
We have prepared a Postman collection with several API endpoints to make things easy for you. These endpoints allow you to perform CRUD operations on your datasets and data sources. Simply import the attached Postman collection file into your Postman workspace to get started.

  • API Authorisation Key - 

  • API Swagger Doc - 

Please go through the below dataset creation documentation to understand how to create datasets and data sources, and how to use APIs for aggregation queries on specific datasets.

Dataset Lifecycle Doc - https://github.com/Sunbird-Obsrv/obsrv-automation/blob/main/INSTALLATION.md#create-a-dataset

 Druid Console: 
Please use the below URL to submit the ingestion spec or check the status of the data ingestion


Please access the superset using the below link and credentials for data exploration and visualisation. With Superset, you can delve into your data, analyse it comprehensively, and create visually appealing and insightful charts.

  • Superset Link -


  • Login Credentials - 

Note - The sandbox environment will have restricted access timings in order to optimise cost.

We hope this sandbox environment provides you with a seamless and enjoyable experience as you explore Sunbird obsrv capabilities with your datasets. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us or we can discuss this in the Sunbird obsrv discussion forum.

Obsrv discussion forum - https://github.com/orgs/Sunbird-Obsrv/discussions