About Sunbird and Pre-requiste

About Sunbird and Pre-requiste

Sunbird is an open source repository of learning management microservices architected for scale and designed to support diverse teaching and learning solutions. Sunbird is the open source contribution by EkStep Foundation and is licensed under MIT licence.

This document explains the steps to setup Sunbird on your cloud infra.

 This installation has been tested with 10 VMs running the vanilla Ubuntu 16 image;

  • a Public IP
  • with all ports opened
  • key based ssh possible to the machines.

Sunbird consists of 3 major subsystems

  1. Knowledge platform aka Learning platform ( Taxonomy, Content and Content Management )
  2. Data-pipeline ( Creating insights from telemetry)
  3. Core ( User/Org, Courses, Badges, Content Studio)


1. Servers to be provisioned

Jenkins4core 16G 250G HDD


LP2core 8G 60G HDD2
DP2core 8G 60G HDD5
Core2core 8G 60G HDD2


2. Private GitHub repository to store ansible hosts and secrets

3. FQDN(fully qualified domain name) with SSL

4. Azure Storage account 

5. Docker hub account

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