Tracking Service - API - Implementation Design
This Document explains:
Issues with current course API implementations - duplicated metrics in multiple tables
Enhancements to all course APIs- creating new API from existing API, redesign the tables schema
Current Design:
Key Problems:
Maintaining progress and assessment info for content in multiple tables
Maintaining few metrics of content like completecount, viewcount in both user_content_consumption and user_activity_agg table
Removing the common metrics will increase performance of Content State API
Content State Read API - Fetching progress and assessment score from different tables, user_activity_table for fetching both the progress/content state can decrease the cassandra reads
Proposed Design:
Solution 1:
Few changes required
Multiple Cassandra Reads/Write in the same API , can lead to performance issue
Solution 2:
Easy to maintain the progress and score info
Required lot of changes