SB-Notification library

SB-Notification library


The notification feature is being used by both mobile and the portal. The same boilerplate code is there in both, so to reduce the boilerplate code “sb-notification“ library is created.


export interface SbNotificationService { getNotifications(): Promise<NotificationFeedEntry<Notification>; handleNotification(notificationData: EventNotification): void; deleteNotification(notificationData: EventNotification): Promise<boolean>; clearAllNotifications(notificationListData: EventNotificationList): Promise<boolean>; }
  • The library requires NotificationService implementation to handle all the notification functionality.

  • It's the client’s responsibility to provide all the data required by the “sb-notiifcation” library to perform an action on the notifications.


  • getNotifications: Required to render the notification list

  • handleNotification: Required to handle the notification

  • deleteNotification: Required to delete a notification

  • clearAllNotifications: Required to clear all the notifications


Create a class that implements NotificationService from the notification library.

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class NotificationServiceImpl implements NotificationService { getNotifications(): Promise<NotificationFeedEntry<Notification>[]> { // Business logic to get the notification } handleNotification(notificationData: any) { // Business logic to handle notifications } deleteNotification(notificationData): Promise<boolean> { // Business logic to delete a notification } clearAllNotifications(notificationListData: any): Promise<boolean> { // Business logic to clear all notifications } }

In the app module import the NotificationModule and declare NotificationServiceImpl as a provider like following

@NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ ... NotificationModule ... ], entryComponents: [AppComponent], bootstrap: [AppComponent], providers: [ ... { provide: 'NOTIFICATION_SERVICE', useClass: NotificationServiceImpl } ... ] })

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