Migration guide for new tables for courses enrolments(release-3.1.0)


To reduce the usage of elasticsearch, the cassandra schema for user enrolments and course consumption were re-structured.
Please follow the below steps to migrate the existing data needs to be migrate to the newly created tables.

Steps to Follow:

Below steps need to be executed in the same order as it is mentioned.

  • Create new tables using jenkins job

  • Bring down LMS service and samza jobs

  • Execute Migration script

  • Validate data count

  • Deploy LMS and samza from latest release tag.

1. Create New tables

Build and deploy Core/Cassandra jenkins job, to create the user_enrolments and user_content_consumption tables.
The schema for the tables is given below.

CREATE TABLE sunbird_courses.user_enrolments ( userid text, courseid text, batchid text, active boolean, addedby text, certificates list<frozen<map<text, text>>>, completedon timestamp, completionpercentage int, contentstatus map<text, int>, datetime timestamp, enrolleddate text, lastreadcontentid text, lastreadcontentstatus int, progress int, status int, PRIMARY KEY (userid, courseid, batchid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (courseid ASC, batchid ASC); CREATE INDEX inx_ues_status ON sunbird_courses.user_enrolments (status); CREATE INDEX inx_ues_certs ON sunbird_courses.user_enrolments (values(certificates)); CREATE TABLE sunbird_courses.user_content_consumption ( userid text, courseid text, batchid text, contentid text, completedcount int, datetime timestamp, lastaccesstime text, lastcompletedtime text, lastupdatedtime text, progress int, status int, viewcount int, PRIMARY KEY (userid, courseid, batchid, contentid) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (courseid ASC, batchid ASC, contentid ASC); CREATE INDEX inx_ucc_status ON sunbird_courses.user_content_consumption (status);

2. Bring down services and jobs

In order to stop the further requests to the old table before the start of data migration, the following has to be performed.

  • Stop LMS service.

  • Stop course-batch-updater, course-certificate-generator and merge-user-courses samza jobs

3. Data Migration

If spark is available, login to spark machine. Else, download spark from here, to the preferred instance.
Follow the below mentioned steps for data migration.

> vi CourseDataMigration.scala > copy data from https://github.com/Sunbird-Ed/sunbird-data-products/blob/release-3.1.0/adhoc-scripts/src/main/scala/CourseDataMigration.scala and paste it to CourseDataMigration.scala > cd to the spark directory > bin/spark-shell --master local[*] --packages com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_2.11:2.5.0 --conf spark.cassandra.connection.host={{cassandra_IP}} > :load {{absolute path of CourseDataMigration.scala}} > CourseDataMigration.migrateUserCourses(sc) after the above call > CourseDataMigration.migrateContentConsumption(sc)

4. Data count validation

Validate the below log statement printed from the above job execution, for data counts match.
For user_enrolments, the log statements are user_courses data Count : and user_enrolments count post migration:
For user_content_consumption, the log statements are content_consumption data Count : and content_consumption data Count :

5. Deploy service and jobs

Post successful migration, deploy LMS service and samza job from latest release tag.


The metrics like, db counts are available in the console logs of the script execution.
The time taken to execute is based on the size of the tables.
For a test execution of 412million records, in an infra setup with 16 core 64 GB RAM, the time taken to complete migration is 3 hrs 30 mins.