Knowledge Platform License Support
Knowledge Platform License Support
Problem Definition
Knowledge Platform should support multiple types of License.
- License should be passed by the Creator of the content.
- If the license is not passed by user, default license for the tenant should be considered for the content.
- If tenant is also not having any default license, content should be linked with system specific default license.
Problem statement
- Each content should be linked to the license value.
- License can have list of attributes, like, name, description and url.
Implementation Design
License should be added as object in Knowledge Platform data store
- License can be added frequently and it will have some other metadata properties as well.
- So the license will be added as Object in KP data store with relevant metadata properties like, name, description and url.
- Using license name, we will generate identifier, so the name will be unique.
- License can be created, updated, read and retire.
- Once license Created, updated or retired - license cache will be reset with the list of license name.
- License cache will be utilised in content-license validation and channel-defaultLicense validation.
- Since license name can not be updated, we need not to do any content license value migration during license update.
- While retiring license - license cache will be updated and (NEED DISCUSSION: content tagged with the license can be updated with default license value).
Channel will have default license value
- As part of channel create and update API, default license can be added as metadata.
- defaultLicense is not mandatory field.
- if defaultLicense is coming in channel create or update request, it will be validated against the list of license list coming from the cache
- If license cache is not available - fetch list of live license, validated default license and set license cache.
Content will be tagged with license as text
- License validation will be handled in Graph engine layer by using trait.
- In content schema, license will be of type String.
- In config.json, we will have licenseValidation as true.
- LicenseValidator (trait) will have validation implementation which will execute license specific validation (if licenseValidation is true).
- Content Create (KP 2.0)
- if license is part of request - it will get validated from the list of license coming in the cache (if cache is not available - fetch list of license, validate license and set cache).
- if license is not part of request - channel's defaultLicense will be passed as license value (channel object will be coming from cache - if cache is not available - fetch channel from data store, set defaultLicense and set channel cache).
- if channel also have no defaultLicense - system configured default license value will be passed as license value.
- Update API (KP 2.0)
- if license is part of request - it will get validated from the list of license coming in the cache (if cache is not available - fetch list of license, validate license and set cache).
- if license is not part of request and content does not have license - channel's defaultLicense will be passed as license value (channel object will be coming from cache - if cache is not available - fetch channel from data store, set defaultLicense and set channel cache).
- if channel also have no defaultLicense - system configured default license value will be passed as license value.
- if the content is copied content (having origin field) - license can not be updated.
- if the content id copied content (having origin field) - origin can not be updated (This is additional implementation)
- Content Upload API
- only for youtube content - license value will be updated with youtube specific license.
- Content Copy API (KP 1.0)
- copied content will be having same license value of origin content.
- if request contains license value, we will throw client exception.