EkStep User Org & Credential: Capability Details
Progress and Score correction - analysis and scripts
Ad-hoc analysis requests and creation of scripts taken up for analysis progress discrepancies and score updations required as part of issues raised during NISHTHA Secondary. This is where the team spent the bulk of their time over release 4.3. Key issues covered include:
Analysis regarding progress not reflecting/ scores being incorrect/ certificates not being awarded
Flink job to ignore invalid attempts
Ignore non self-assess scores for certificate generation and in the jobs
Assessment data archival
Work items taken up towards archival of assessment data - this will span 4.4 as well, and the feature in its entirety will be released only in 4.4 These items have been implemented in 4.3 though.
Assessment Archival - Response Data Exhaust changes, Testcases & Testing
Assessment Aggregator Flink Changes to Update the BestScore and Max Score Value
Assessment Archival - Progress Exhaust Job Changes
Move existing Certificate notifications from the Learner service to the Notifications service.
The notifications for certificates have been moved from the current Learner service to the Notification service - pending infra change.
User Org generalisation - RBAC changes
Implementation of new Role based access control policies at a system-wide level. Support for this to be enabled - necessary API changes to the Learner API as well as admin util services.
Refactoring of APIs
Refactoring of the User read/ search, User create/ update, Notes modules - stability related infra level changes
Akka actor changes for scaling
Scale related tech item.