inQuiry Sprint Plan

inQuiry Sprint Plan

Sprint execution (best) practices

Feb 23, 2023 | DRAFT - V1

  1. Plan and execute this sprint entirely using Jira & Confluence. SB inQuiry Dashboard

  2. Create a sprint in Jira (with start and end dates)

  3. Jira tickets to be created for the all the tasks the team works on during the course of the sprint

  4. All tickets to be tagged to the respective sprint name

  5. All JIRA tickets should have proper title and description

  6. All JIRA tickets should have required labels

    1. eg : QA_required / QA_Not_required

  7. Daily standup should be conducted without fail. Each of the team members should give their updates in the standup or give the updates async incase they are not able to attend the standup.

  8. Every Jira ticket should have a corresponding epic, where necessary.

  9. All tickets should have Story Point based estimates and time required

  10. All tickets must have sub-tasks, if it takes more than 2-3 days. Incase of support tickets, sub-tasks to be created for each issue and link it to parent task, if present.

  11. DC reviews to be done for relevant tasks without fail (new features, API changes, spec changes etc)

  12. Engaging with the community and replying to discussion threads is also accounted in the Sprint as part of Support. Any open discussion in the community has to be addressed in the daily standup

  13. Each sub-task should result in a PR / Document update.

    1. Exception : Integration, testing (dev side), infra / data issues, support tickets will not have either of these

  14. Every Jira ticket should have a corresponding Confluence page, where necessary (e.g. Design, PRD, etc)

  15. Each team member (developer) should strive to send at least 2 PRs in a week.

  16. All PRs are to be linked to the corresponding Jira ticket

  17. Every ticket should identify what needs to change in the microsite (for adopters), where necessary

  18. Team members need to update the Jira tickets with the progress. This should be done without fail before going on a planned leave.

  19. Release notes to have the JIRA ticket linked across each of the items

  20. Sprint Retrospective

    1. Time spent on Support vs actual time planned

    2. Reflect on the accuracy of estimates

    3. What went well, what did not?

    4. Challenges faced. What measures can be taken to overcome these in the next sprint?

  21. Success metrics

    1. Committed / planned vs delivered (tickets & story points)

    2. Total story points delivered

    3. Velocity - Story points / days

    4. Actual Time spent on Support vs Planned

    5. Accuracy of estimates - (planned estimate - actual estimate/ planned estimate) * 100

      1. Negative accuracy value - Underestimating

      2. Positive accuracy value - Overestimating

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