inQuiry Roadmap
  • Rough draft
  • inQuiry Roadmap

    Focus Areas (Jan - June '24)
















    Vulnerabilities can result in data leaks and eventually data breaches. To prevent attacks & minimise the risk of security, the potential security weaknesses/vulnerabilities have to removed.

    inQuiry BB should have no vulnerabilities

    • Analysis on the vulnerabilities in inQuiry

    • Removal of vulnerabilities in inQuiry




    Capability Enhancement

    Registered users of Sunbird who owns assets in the platform, do not have the agency to delete their account and erase their learning history. The assets owned by these users have to be transferred

    Admin / support team should be able to transfer assets from one user to another user

    • Job which takes two ids as input and transfers all assets owned by one user id to another user id.





    Capability Enhancement

    Following question types are not available in inQuiry :

    Arrange Sequence

    Audio Response


    FTB with Options

    Image Responce

    Matching Pair

    Unseen Passages

    Text Response

    Text Question with Keywords (automatic answer review)

    Video question / answer

    inQuiry supports Arrange Sequence

    Audio Response


    FTB with Options

    Image Responce

    Matching Pair

    Unseen Passages

    Text Response

    Text Question with Keywords (automatic answer review)

    Video question / answer





    Tech Debt



    Ease of debuggability:

    • Implementation of request traceability for faster debugging of issues







    Angular migration from 9 to 14







    Completion of API automation







    Java upgrade 11 to 17







    Code Cleanup - primaryCategory script cleanup







    The flag for enabling and disabling the creation of print version of question set







    Rollback web compponent to angular library







    Merge C4GT Contributions - Audio and a mode of solution for questions







    Documentation - inQuiry Backend Repo documentation update - Local installation and data seed update







    Microsite Documentation - Re-organizing the documentation for easy discovery in the microsite











    V3 Roadmap / Focus Areas (June - Dec)

    Created Jun 2, 2023

    1. Simplify SunbirdED - What is required from inQuiry?

      1. Installation

        1. Automate installation? Installation scripts

      2. Ease of Upgrade

      3. Ease of Maintenance

        1. Error traceability, proper error codes, doc for debugging etc

        2. Automation testing

    2. Sunbird Training & Certification

    3. Adaptability

      1. Flexibility

        1. inQuiry should be made easily pluggable

      2. configurability

        1. inQuiry should be made configurable

          1. Remove hardcoding present in the code

    4. Scalability

      1. inQuiry should enable ED to run on minimum scale and to have the capability to autoscale as per the adopters usage.

    V3 Roadmap (June - December)

    • Enable course assessment through ED (for any training use-case) to provide enhanced capabilities to existing and potential adopters.

      • Support for FTB/ MTF Question types

      • Question reusability: Create within a Question Set, use elsewhere.

        1. Question lifecycle changes as per tech review

      • Attach audio in a question

      • Support 25k TPS scale

        • Load testing and Performance Benchmarking

    • Simplify inQuiry Server Installation

    • Out-of-the-box analytics for question usage, performance, and other question/question set related metrics.

      • Define the metrics for measuring learning outcomes

      • Pilot/PoC using Sunbird cQube & Obsrv for data analysis

    • Integrating all the inQuiry user-cases to the demo portal

    • Inquiry Code clean-up

      • Remove hard coding of B/M/G/S

      • Remove hard coding of functionalities to a certain primary category or question type (Ex: MCQs, SA, responseVariables etc)

      • Hard coding of content organisation and target frameworks in the editor to point to a specific framework has to be removed. For ex., any hard coding in editors to point to K-12 framework as the target framework.

      • Streamline BB code/ remove deprecated code etc. to ensure a clean offering that is fully understood by the team that owns it

    • Ease of debugging and proper error traceability

      • Error standardisation, error codes have to be made available

    V2 Roadmap

    Created Feb 16, 2023 | Working on

    Outcome & Benefit

    Action Items


    Contributor (Who?)

    AMJ '23

    JAS '23

    OND '23

    JFM '24

    Outcome & Benefit

    Action Items


    Contributor (Who?)

    AMJ '23

    JAS '23

    OND '23