Exam Question Paper (Prashnavali)
Examinations are an integral part of the school education process. There are examinations that are conducted by the State at a fixed schedule of the year. Additionally, as part of the regular ongoing teaching and learning process teachers conduct multiple tests, quizzes etc.
Prashnavali is envisioned to create a digitized process pertaining to these two use cases.
Existing Scenario
Question Paper Creation:
Schedule: 6 SAT cycles for all grades (bi-monthly)
Select few teachers come to SCERT and create a question bank only for the upcoming examination
SCERT lead, with the role of question paper creation, selects the questions from the pool created at previous step and creates a question paper, which remains confidential
Before examination, the question paper is emailed as PDF/Word Doc to the HM (school leaders) to take printout and conduct examinations
Question Bank:
No central repository of question bank, past year question paper exists at present.
Actors/Users in Prashnavali:
Actor | Action | Portal |
Admin | Project Setup and Management (including roles management) | Diksha-web, Vidyadaan |
Contributor | Add questions (teachers or 3rd party vendors) | Vidyadaan (contribute) |
Question reviewer | Review each question (Subject matter experts) | Vidyadaan (contribute) |
Question paper creator | Create final question paper, choosing from approved list of questions | Vidyadaan (sourcing) |
Teachers | Search Question bank, Select questions and create a paper | Diksha App, Diksha |
Release 3.6
Creators can now contribute (non-interactive) Match the Following and Fill in The Blank through a sourcing project. It is important to note that this is a “non-interactive” question category primarily meant to be used in an exam question paper which are going to be printed. Refer to the image for a quick glance at MTF
Follow discussion thread here: https://github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird-community/discussions/57
Release 3.7
Configuration changes
Create a new Collection Category for ‘Exam Question Paper’
Functional enhancements
Sourcing Admin can Define Blueprint for a collection (question paper)
Sourcing Admin can View Progress against Blueprint to track completion of Question Paper
Contributors can Tag a Question - Competency, chapter covered, Marks*
Sourcing Portal Reviewer can filter contributions by Status - Add Status filter on Sourcing Portal Reviewer page
Print Preview for Admin to check Question Paper before printing
Follow discussion thread here: https://github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird-community/discussions/30#discussioncomment-364691
Prashnavali V1 ready to be rolled out
Release 3.8
Create new question - Comprehension (New): Non-interactive question category. Configuration change.
Blueprint definition - Show error message if anything except numbers is entered in marks field (Bug)
Descoped from 3.8
Upgrade to the new Question set editor (Refactoring) → Design under discussion. Targeting 3.10 / 4.0
Download report (Bug) → Backlogged
Follow discussion thread here: https://github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird-community/discussions/175
Release 3.9
Upgrade CKEditor on Vidyadaan (Sourcing Solution)
Enable Math Symbols (Special Characters) when creating a question
Enable resize of images when creating a question
Adding text and Image in same line - available in latest CK Editor release scheduled on 21st April
Release 4.0
Restrict the Visibility of Questions and question papers to only authorized users. (API level restrictions as well as frontend restrictions)
Jira Ticket: Frontend restriction, API restriction (To be created)
Github Discussion: #277
Confluence document: (To be created)
Size: LQuML Editor upgrade
Jira Ticket: (To be created)
Github Discussion: #271
Confluence document: QuML Editor Upgrade
Size: XLSharing question paper to other applications
Jira Ticket: (To be created)
Github Discussion: NA
Confluence document: Sharing question paper to other application
Size: UnknownQuestion contribution - Adding inline images (Include CKEditor latest changes) Evaluation is needed, before confirming it for development for 4.0
Jira Ticket: (To be created)
Github Discussion: #177
Confluence document: Inline image support in the Question editor
Size: LTemplate for question paper
Jira Ticket: (To be created)
Github Discussion: NA
Confluence document: Provision of Templatizing Question Papers during Print
Size: XLQuestion content editing by reviewer
Jira Ticket: (To be created)
Github Discussion: #242
Confluence document: Editing of Questions during review of question by Question Reviewer
Size: unknown
Category | Overview | Priority | Development Cycle | Task Size | Status |
P1 (critical) | 3.9 | S | PR Mereged Testing Samagra to share tests report | ||