Adding a node to Cassandra Cluster

Adding a node to Cassandra Cluster


This document describes the standard operating procedure to add a new node to the existing Cassandra cluster



  • Make sure capacity for same instance type is available in the subscription/cloud account

  • Make sure the new node being added is of same type instance type as current cluster node

  • New Node should be part of the DB subnet of the environment VNET



  • Create a VM of same instance type and disk size as current cluster from azure portal console 

  • Bootstrap the VM using Jenkins job

  • Ansible changes in Github private repo 

    • Create a new temporary branch in a private repository from the latest release branch and give a name like release-4.3.0-cassandra-provision

    • Remove the hostname and ip’s of current cassandra cluster nodes

    • Add  the hostname and ip information of the new node

  • Provision Cassandra in the new node by triggering Provision/Core/Cassandra Jenkins job. Make sure new private repo branch name (release-4.3.0-cassandra-provision) is used in the job options

  • Update the ulimit values to 65535 at /etc/security/limits.conf

  • hard  nofile  65535 soft  nofile  65535
  • Provision the cassandra trigger jar and logback xml via Jenkins job Deploy/KnowledgePlatform/CassandraTrigger(Before this update Cassandra ip's in KP/hosts)

  •  Enable monitoring in new node by deploying node exporter and process exporter and deploy monitoring (Before this update Cassandra ip’s in Core/hosts). Use the bootstrap job under OpsAdministration

  • Backup the existing cluster. Ensure backup has taken snapshots from all the current nodes in the cluster

  • SSH to the new node and do the following

    • Stop cassandra process using command sudo service cassandra stop and verify if the process is stopped successfully

    • Edit /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml file and update/add the following

      • endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch seednodes: “node1-ip, node2-ip” . E.g. seednodes: “,” batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb: 25 compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec: 128 concurrent_compactors: 4 streaming_socket_timeout_in_ms: 86400000
    • Delete the files and folders under /var/lib/cassandra/data folder

      rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/data/*
  • Start cassandra process using sudo service cassandra start

  • Verify if the node is in the process of joining/bootstrapping the cluster 

    • Run nodetool status You will see the status of new node as UJ which mean Up and Joining

    • Check /var/log/cassandra/system.log and look for message JOINING: Starting to bootstrap...

    • Run nodetool compactionstats -H to check if any compactions are running 

    • In case of bootstrap failure, resume the node bootstrap using nodetool bootstrap resume command through tmux session


  • Run nodetool clean once the node joined the cluster and is stable

    • Login to the node and run the command nodetool cleanup

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