Connect to Boundary

Connect to Boundary

Boundary is the gateway to sunbird infrastructure


Simplified architecture is given above.

How to connect

  1. Get the boundary address, username, password from admin

  2. Download the boundary client from https://www.boundaryproject.io/downloads#desktop

  3. Login with the provided credentials after selecting proper organization


  4. Once you logged in, you’ll see a list of authorized targets.


  5. Select the target → Host and click connect


  6. If you’ve used

    1. Kubernetes

      1. Make sure you’ve proper kubeconfig to authenticate against the cluster. You can use kubectl config get-contexts to get check the correct cluster.


      2. Enable inscure-tls, as the cluster client certificate is not signed for ip

        kubectl config set-cluster <replace with the cluster name from above> --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true --server= # This is the ip you've got from the connect

        Note: You’ll have to do this every time when you make a new connection, as the port will be random

      3. Now you can connect to your cluster using your choice of client, like kubectl or k9s or so

    2. SSH

      1. Copy the connect ip address, say you got

      2. The only difference from a normal connection is that you’ll have to specify the port, and the ip address will always be
        ssh -i /path/to/ssh_key_file username@ -p 38203

    3. Jenkins

      1. Copy the connect ip address, say you got

      2. Paste it in your browser, and you’ve access to jenkins