How to create a dashboard in grafana

How to create a dashboard in grafana

  1. Open grafana url and enter username and password

  2. Create a dashboard

    after that select Add Query and write query

    Change Appropriate title and save(on the top right corner)

    Click on the Settings button(on the right-hand top button) and Give Proper name and save


  3. After that you’ve to commit the dashboard to github in sunbird-devops, Click on the share icon on the right hand side

    Click on export, and View json

    And copy to clipboard


  4. Clone sunbird-devops repo

  5. Add the copied json to sunbird-devops/kubernetes/helm_charts/monitoring/dashboards/dashboards/<dashsboard-name>.json

  6. Add the dashboard file path in values.yaml under dashboards.default dictionary.
    Here the dashboard name is nginx.json


  7. Commit the changes and Create a PR against github.com/project-sunbird/sunbird-devops

  8. Once your PR is merged, Go to Jenkins and run the Deploy/Kubernetes/Monitoring → type dashboards as tag and deploy