Load balancer Setup

Load balancer Setup

Load balancer:
You can scale your applications and create high availability for your services.It provides 
low latency and high throughput,and scales up to millions of flows for all TCP and UDP applications.

Load Balancer distributes new inbound flows that arrive on the Load Balancer's frontend to backend pool 
instances, according to rules and health probes.


Frontend ip configuration - attach public ip
Backend pools - attach agent vm's or availability set of agent group
Health Probes/check - Configure path and port - 80 and 443 (both)
EX: name: http 
protocol: TCP 
port: 80 
interval: 5 
unhealthy threshold: 2
Load Balancing rules - Frontend-ip-config,Frontend-port,backend-port, Backend-pool and health-probe
Ex: Frontend-port: 80
backend-port: 80
Similarly steps for port 443


Frontend ip configuration - Internal ip by default
Backend pools - attach keycloak vm or availability set of keycloak group
Health Probes/check - Configure path and port - 8080
EX: name: keycloakhealth 
protocol: TCP 
port: 8080 
interval: 5 
unhealthy threshold: 2
Load Balancing rules - Frontend-ip-config,Frontend-port, backend-port, Backend-pool and health-probe
Ex: Frontend-port: 80
backend-port: 8080

KP-LB Services:

Frontend ip configuration - Internal ip by default
Backend pools - attach vm's of learning and search or availability set for learning and search
Health Probes/check - Configure path and port - 8080 (for learning) and 9000 (for search)
EX: name: learninghealth 
protocol: http 
port: 8080 
path: /learning-service/health
interval: 5 
unhealthy threshold: 2
Frontend-port: 8080
backend-port: 8080

name: searchhealth 
protocol: http 
port: 9000 
path: /health 
interval: 5 
unhealthy threshold: 2
Load Balancing rules - Frontend-ip-config,Frontend-port, backend-port, Backend-pool and health-probe
Ex: Frontend-port: 9000
backend-port: 9000

DP-LB Services: (analytic-api)

Frontend ip configuration - Internal ip by default
Backend pools - attach vm's of analytics-api or availability set for analytics-api group
Health Probes/check - Configure path and port - 9000
EX: name: analyticshealth 
protocol: tcp 
port: 9000 
interval: 5 
unhealthy threshold: 2
Load Balancing rules - Frontend-ip-config,Frontend-port, backend-port, Backend-pool and health-probe
Ex: Frontend-port: 9000
backend-port: 9000

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