Scaling Sunbird Infra
Scaling Sunbird Infra
Why are we scaling?
- To serve incoming requests quickly
- Ability to handle increase in requests compared to current number of requests.
- Avoid single point of failure and ensure availability of services 99.9% time
How are we scaling?
- We are scaling horizontally wherever possible. This is the main area of focus.
- In components where horizontal scaling is not possible, we would scale it vertically
Horizontal Scale components
- Docker swarm
- Elasticsearch cluster
- Consumption and creations API's
- Development team will make a change to send / receive such requests to / from elasticsearch or Redis
- This would reduce the stress on the database for such API's and also the response would be faster
- YARN cluster
- Cassandra cluster
- Learning and Search servers
Vertical Scale components
- Neo4j
- Kafka
- Influx DB
Multi-swarm Cluster for Resiliency
Present Arch:
- Single docker swarm cluster with multiple managers and nodes to run up to 256 containers in a overlay network. We have approx. 150 containers running to support 600 tps load
- Network hiccups on single swarm cluster brings down site for while
- No automation for Infra for scaling
- Service downtime during upgrade
Future Arch:
- Multi-swarm cluster attaching to load-balancer
- Ability to ad/remove cluster without down-time
- Blue-Green deployments are possible with Multi-swarm cluster
- Multiple backend pools to azure load balancer
- Each swarm cluster will be of same capacity
- Auto-scaling of services (increasing replicas) can be done by polling prometheus data (cadvisor metrics)
- Kibana will be moved to an individual VM
- Service label will be changed to identify the log
- Logs data from Multiple swarm clusters will be pushed to Log ElasticSearch Cluster
- Log aggregation for KP and DP services
- Upgrade Prometheus version to support hierarchical federation and snapshots
- Enable hierarchical federation
- Configure grafana dashboard to view metrics from each swarm cluster
- Enabling CDN for faster loading of static contents
- Dev team will be implementing a fallback to default loading when CDN not available
- After analyzing multiple CDN providers, we have selected to use Verizon Standard CDN as it is cost effective, performance and feature set looks satisfying for our needs
- Changing a CDN provider can be done easily if we require more features after a go-live evalutation
- Azure POP locations - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cdn/cdn-pop-locations
- Azure CDN compare - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cdn/cdn-features
Load Testing
- A production replica infrastructure would be created (without production data) with multi-swarm and other scaled up components.
- Various type of load testing would be performed on this infrastructure to test the capacity and stability
- Once the data is validated and meets our standards, the same would be planned for production.