Discussion forums hierarchy
Guiding principle
Get me an answer to my question with the highest bias allotted for my language and context (cluster, district, state) followed by anyone who can answer that question.
MVP to be guided by what the forum software is basically capable of, out of the box with minimum custom configuration.
State Secretary for education ⇒ DSERT Secretary ⇒ BEO, BRT ⇒ CRP ⇒ Principal ⇒ Teacher ⇒ Student
Abstract hierarchy within forum (priority)
1st level [Forum1, Forum2, Forum3] | 2nd level [Forum 4, Forum5, Forum6]
Forum tags (Tenant, publisher, purpose, subject, book, participants [teacher/student/resource person], geo)
Post tags (above + user details, e.g. geo of user, type of user)
Control hierarchy is single parent only
Visibility hierarchy can have multiple parents
Forum1, Forum2,.. Forum 5
Forum2 ← Forum1
Forum3 ← Forum2
Base hierarchy
Nation(Instance) ⇒ State(Tenant) ⇒ District ⇒ Block ⇒ Cluster ⇒ School
Secondary hierarchy (Professional development)
Course sponsor ⇒ State ⇒ District ⇒ Batch x
Self-organizing structures (peer-created discussion forums)
Nation (Instance) ⇒ State / Tenant ⇒ Ground-up forum
Nation (instance) ⇒ Nation general category ⇒ Stand-alone forum
Content created by Karnataka
TN book
Maharashtra book
Discussion forum (1) → TN book level
Discussion forum (2) → MH book level
Discussion forum (3) → Content level
If I’m a TN user.
TN book level forum
Content level forum
Other tenant’s forum (MH, AP, *)
Browsing forums as a TN teacher
Cluster level forum
Block level forum
District level forum
TN level forum
Cluster level forum will include discussions from books within the TN tenant from that cluster
(sort by by the hierarchy publisher in content forums, followed geo forum hierarchy)
Content (standalone) forum (E.g. English grammar do_123 forum)
Content (tenant) forum (e.g. English grammar do_123 AP Book1 forum, English grammar do_123 MH Book1 forum)
Query cost to be checked:
Categories at a book level with tags per contentID
Categories at a content level, which can be aggregated for visibility under a book category.
To answer query costs for the following:
Popular questions in my state context for my class/subject
Popular questions at a content level (organized by state, and others i.e. across all publishers)