Program list API

Program list API


This document is to provide information about the program list API’s request and response.

API Spec

A. Programs excluding org nominations [All projects] - contrib admin

POST: program/v1/list

{ "request": { "filters": { "nomination":{ "organisation_id": { "ne": "937dd865-b256-4c1a-9830-a9b5b89f0913" } }, "nomination_enddate": "open" } } }


{ "id": "api.program.list", "ts": "2021-03-09T10:09:39.432Z", "params": { "resmsgid": "8f2fde81-80bf-11eb-8f60-a9e4e5e0c79c", "msgid": "8f2fde80-80bf-11eb-8f60-a9e4e5e0c79c", "status": "successful", "err": null, "errmsg": null }, "responseCode": "OK", "result": { "count": 1, "programs": [ { "id": 2, "program_id": "6298b0b0-d1ae-11ea-8ffc-bfe7a78f14e5", "user_id": "cca53828-8111-4d71-9c45-40e569f13bad", "organisation_id": "b8c2d284-7450-4876-baf3-bb3b95f7fe47", "status": "Initiated", "content_types": [], "collection_ids": null, "feedback": null, "rolemapping": null, "createdby": "ff3a7b70-c902-4385-9f4a-c76385f333eb", "updatedby": null, "createdon": "2020-08-07T14:27:44.187Z", "updatedon": null, "program": { "program_id": "6298b0b0-d1ae-11ea-8ffc-bfe7a78f14e5", "name": "GG", "type": "public", "collection_ids": [], "content_types": [], "target_collection_category": null, "startdate": "2020-05-31T18:30:00.000Z", "enddate": "2020-10-15T18:30:00.000Z", "nomination_enddate": "2020-10-04T18:30:00.000Z", "shortlisting_enddate": "2020-10-09T18:30:00.000Z", "content_submission_enddate": "2020-10-14T18:30:00.000Z", "image": null, "status": "Live", "slug": "sunbird", "rolemapping": { "REVIEWER": [], "CREATOR": [] }, "createdby": "48dc0e70-2775-474b-9b78-def27d047836", "updatedby": null, "createdon": "2020-07-29T16:35:30.177Z", "updatedon": "2020-12-03T11:55:51.663Z", "rootorg_id": "012983850117177344161", "sourcing_org_name": "Vidya2", "channel": "DIKSHA", "template_id": "template1", "guidelines_url": "https://dockstorage.blob.core.windows.net/sunbird-content-dock/content/assets/do_11307476450091827213141/2.pdf", "subject": "[\"Hindi\", \"Science\"]", "defaultContributeOrgReview": "true", "framework": "ekstep_ncert_k-12", "board": null, "gradeLevel": "[\"Class 10\", \"Class 6\"]", "medium": "[\"Hindi\", \"English\"]" } } ] } }


B. Programs nominated to org(contributor org admin my projects)

POST: program/v1/list

request: { "request": { "filters": { "nomination":{ "organisation_id": { "eq": "937dd865-b256-4c1a-9830-a9b5b89f0913" } } } } }

Response: as per A


C. Contributor org user (My projects)

POST: program/v1/list

{ "request": { "filters": { "nomination":{ "user_id": { "eq": "cca53828-8111-4d71-9c45-40e569f13bad" }, "organisation_id": { "eq": "cca53828-8111-4d71-9c45-40e569f13bad" }, "status": ["Approved"], "roles": { "or": ["REVIEWER", "CONTRIBUTOR"] } } } } }

Response: as per A


D. Individual contributor(All projects)

POST: program/v1/list


{ "request": { "filters": { "type": "public", "nomination_enddate": "open", "status": [ "Live", "Unlisted" ], "nomination": { "user_id": { "ne": "cca53828-8111-4d71-9c45-40e569f13bad" } } }, "sort": {} } }


E. Individual contributor(my projects)

POST: program/v1/list

{ "request": { "filters": { "nomination":{ "user_id": { "eq":"cca53828-8111-4d71-9c45-40e569f13bad" } } } } }

Response: as per A



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