EkStep Sourcing: Capability Details

EkStep Sourcing: Capability Details

<Proposed capability name. Should describe the capability in max 4 words. e.g. Creating Merit Certificates>

<Summarize the capability by answering the questions ‘Why are you developing the said capability?’ i.e. what problem is the capability trying to resolve, and ‘What is your proposed solution?’> 

<Sample text: 

States and organizations feel the need to motivate and recognize deserving learners. 

To address this need, States/organizations can issue Merit certificates from DIKSHA. However, since the criteria for merit cannot be standard, we propose to make the merit criteria (rules) configurable. The parameters that States/organizations can set are: 

  • who will get the certificate (all users or select few), 

  • when (on completion of assessment or based on a score, or both)

  • If score based, we propose to allow the creator to set a % (e.g. 75%) or average score (e.g. 3 out of 5)>