[Design] User Deletion
The user deletion requirement in inQuiry has been originated from the below requirement.
PRD: [PRD] Delete Account functionalityarchived
BE Design Lern - [Design] Delete Account Functionality
FE Design Lern - https://project-sunbird.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SUN/pages/3359146039
What is changing?
The user can request for deletion of their account in Sunbird, this means two primary actions to happen.
User's Personal Identifiable Information (PII) needs to be removed
The assets (like questions, questionSets, content etc) that was created by this user needs to be transferred to an identified user.
Scope for inQuiry
Inquiry in its question bank stores the users name and id as part of question and questionSet meta data.
Apart from the User Name, there is no other User's Personal Identifiable Information (PII) that is stored in the inQuiry data stores.
The user name is stored in the data stores as below
Cassandra (In case of hierarchy)
Elastic Search
Redis (For Live Objects)
Cloud (ECAR Bundle)
Changes in inQuiry
The below two events will be flowing into inquiry as messages which originated from the Lern system.
The events are user specific and not in bulk form.
No API changes required
A flink job has to be created to consume these 2 events.
In case of User Deletion,
The user name needs to be cleared out with a static default name (Deleted User). Refer
The User Name could be stored in the below attributes as per sunbird inQuiry schema,
The User Id (UUID) is stored in the below fields as per sunbird inQuiry schema, this will be left as is.
createdFor is an attribute that stores the organisation name. It is confirmed that the users in the scope of inQuiry, i.e; creator or reviewer, will always have an organisation.
Impacts if any
No impacts detected,
As the searches are based on UUID and that is retained
In the consumption flow only the author name is displayed
Technical Design
A flink job will will be written to consume both message (user deletion and ownership transfer)
This flink job will only deal with two object type Question & QuestionSets.
Assets (appIcon, images/audio/video used as options/solutions) used under Question/QuestionSets will not be processed by this flink job.
Those assets should be processed by Knowlg Flink job as inQuiry uses only artifactUrl metadata of those assets. So no dependency from inQuiry functionality.
User deletion:
The job will have below configurations
# In this config, key will be search field and values will be target fields user_pii_search_and_target_keys={ "createdBy": ["creator", "originData.creator.name"], "lastPublishedBy": ["publisher"] } # The value will be applied to target fields speicified in above config user_pii_replacement_value="Deleted User"
These configurations allows adopter to configure the job based on their schema
The job will process each key mentioned in the user_pii_search_and_target_keys and updated target fields.
If target field is a nested field, then it should be configured with DOT (.) separator.
If User has multiple roles e.g: CONTENT_CREATOR & CONTENT_REVIEWER then corresponding metadata’s (key used to search objects when user acted as creator and reviewer) should be configured as separate keys in user_pii_search_and_target_keys.
The configuration will have default values configured as per sunbird inQuiry schema. Adopter can override based on their requirement.
The job will only handle target fields with string data type.
A Search will be triggered with user-id received in the message to collect the Question/QuestionSet identifiers.
search will be in the neo4j database.
objects will be fetched from database in batches. a configuration will be given to decide number of objects in single batch (e.g: 50 objects in 1 batch).
On collected Identifiers, the flink job will start updating target metadata which will have User Name to the value configured in user_pii_replacement_value
for all status other than Retired , only primary databases (graph + cassandra) will get updated.
offline bundles will not be updated and continue to have the user PII information.
For object having Live status, redis cache will be cleared.
ES will get updated automatically when the job update it in neo4j.
author metadata will be handled in the code, if creator metadata value is same as author, then author field will be also updated to the value configured in user_pii_replacement_value
Ownership Transfer:
Will be updated in Phase-2
Discussion items